
Sunday, August 02, 2009

How to be Thankful to be Happy: Taichee's Way

This is a reply to Nadhra Halig's note on How to Condition thingy.

So here goes.

1. Every morning, when I wake up, I'll wait for a few secs and say Alhamdulillah. I've survived yesterday, man!

2. While preparing myself to work, I always listen to Hitz FM by listening to Jay Jay and Ean. They rawk my solitary days in Kuching, every morning. Deym funny people make me smile like a goof.

3. Listen to happy, dance, sing songs like

i) Poker Face
ii) Seek Amy
iii) That's Not My Name
iv) Just Dance
v) Any favourite songs of yours (I also listen to Modjo's recorded singing and view his guitar playing in my phone)

3. I'm just human. Negative tots ate normal. You can have it but sit back and mirror back how to react to it. It's entirely up to you on how you choose to react. Damaging to you? Damaging to others? Or damaging to things. Its a LOSE-LOSE situation. So, usually if I'm really really mad,

a) I'll listen to Rage Against The Machine's Wake Up and Bullet in the Head and all those heavy rock solid songs. I'll just scream the songs out loud until I lost my voice. Given around 10-20 mins after that breaking-your-vocal-cord-exercise, I'll reach the destination and act normally. As if nothin will stop me. Come to me, world! GIVE IT TO MOI attitude~@! Oh Yeahhh....

b) Call your loved ones. Last time I used to call my best buds and pour all my feelings to them. (pity them but I do the same to them too, insyaAllah). Now, I pour everything to my emo stabilizer - Modjo.

c) Think of things that I can accomplish if I'm more positive that can make me happier. Always think of an alternative, a plan B if things aren't going my way. There's always options and I've got the power to choose. It's totally my choice ;)

d) I will take a long cold shower and scream SEJUKKKKK!!! SEJUKKKKK!!! and take an ablution. Go for a prayer, a solat sunat Taubat for example, and pray for the ones who make you crazy/ mad. Its better to forgive rather than dwell on that negativity.

After solaat, I will usually sleep. This always work for moi. and USUALLY I will have a LOCK DOWN hours in a my room. Please give me my LOCK DOWN. Hehehehe~@! Once getting out from this LD, I will usually be my perky self.

4. Whatever I do now, whatever things I'm enduring, whatever I'm getting, how it comes to me, how heartbroken I was, came from Allah. It's just how He tests me. How good I handle my predicaments. How persistent I am at asking for Him. How patience I go thru life. How thankful I am to Him. Sometimes if He gives me every thing I want, doesn't mean He's not testing. He wants to know whether I forget His blessings and His Mercy. If I ever stop asking for Him? Nauzubillah, please Allah don't make me forget You. After all my real Employer is Allah. I work for Him and He pays me good, alhamdulillah. Syukran ya Allah~@! Alhamdulillah...

5. If I feel so lost and down, I will look back and think of people who are less fortunate than me.

6. Don't be alone and lonely. Go back to your loved ones. When I didn't have Modjo last time, I'll usually go back to KL from Kch and be embraced with love from my family + friends. Now? I still go to my family (Modjo needs to marry me first in order for me to run back to him ahahahaha)

7. I will work out like mad. Swim for so many laps until my limbs go limp like jello.

8. Like Nad, if my cards + cash permits, I will splurge like MAD. Spontaneous is so moi~@! But I can't do this every time. It's just once in a blue moon :D [insyaAllah]

9. Eat my comfort foods like McD Oreo McFlurry, Kodomo Bento, Sup Daging (all these if I'm in Kuching) but in KL, I crave for ALL Mama's cooking.

10. I write and I pour my feelings out in my personal diary and some of it leaks thru my blog. Sometimes I write poems too. Sometimes I recite my poems and record it. It's just a way to letgo my way.

11. Live life one step at a time. Don't be too greedy. Savour what you have now cos something better will sooner or later comes to you direct/indirectly. InsyaAllah. Positive mind and attitude attracts other positive things

12. If whatever you wish/dream/want doesn't come to you yet, it's just because Allah loves to see our humility in asking for Him. Hope for him. Have patience. Persevere. Sabr. And that He knows when to give it to you when you're ready. I just need to persevere and keep my hopes high only to Him. Not to other human nor things (not even to Modjo)

13. Here is the key to what some people see as the “problem” of suffering. We know that suffering is a test for us, a test of our patience. We know that peace and prosperity is also a test, a test of our gratitude to Allah. Those who see suffering as a “problem” are really saying that they believe they have a right to a life of uninterrupted happiness, with no discomfort, no pain and no grief. But that’s not what this earthly life is all about! That’s what Allah promises us in akhirat, not in dunya! We’re not there yet!

14. Allah does what He Wills, and His will is always, unfailingly good, however harsh it may appear to us on the surface. Our human perception (and knowledge when compared to His Greatest knowledge) is limited, like ants crawling over a carpet, we complain about the rough surface, the knots and the texture that make our journey difficult. But we cannot see the beauty of the carpet from above.

We cannot see the beauty of Allah’s master plan, until we step outside our small, selfish worlds. We suffer, but we know our suffering is an expiation of our sins, and our patience and contentment brings us closer to Allah. (Read more here

15. C'est la vie. Sad and being depress is normal. It only makes us human. But can't it be more meaningful if there's an alarm to it to make us wake up from slumber and enjoy life and start to have trust again? As all of us have a purpose in life. So savour it. Enjoy your life and awaken that lil child in you. You never know when Allah wants to take you back and whatever you have now, right?

Whatever it is, I always hold to this.
wamakaruu wamakarallah, wallahukhairul maakirin.

Ali Imran: 54 by Abdullah Yusuf Ali:- " and (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God"

Allahua'lam bissawab...

p/s: See I succeeded in NOT blogging about Modjo per se. Yay me~@!

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