
Friday, March 06, 2009

Waaa~@! I Can Blog From The Office!!

Circa May 08 - When I was still crawling to learn from my Sifu

In a midst of my panic attack to find some figures & justification - Neil Sedaka sings You Mean Everything to Me (grinning like idiota!).


I'm basically flat out due to my year end performance exercise. I know for sure that some things are beyond my grasp and control. Luckily my coach (Sifu) a.k.a my beloved boss told me to justify that if we compare apple to apple (rather than currently apple to durian) I might have more positive remarks. Alhamdulillah Sifu aku memang best! (Nak nanges lagi)


That makes sense, right?
But there are other things now that doesn't make sense or logical meaning.
It just *happened*.

[Grinning, still]

20 days back, I can't imagine things could turn very positively. I mean *very* positively. There are some reservation deep in that lonely deserted heart. There are still some mysteries and doubts.

There are still some things that I feel, it's rather good to keep it unpronounced. Delicate and pure. Things that are beyond what normal lovebirds do. Weird. Abnormal. The first time ever in my life that this ever happened.














Let me just go with the flow.
Whatever Allah has in store for me I need to be extra patience.
I firmly believe He keeps the best for me. The BEST!

So The Best cannot simply be that simple straightforward to the Ampang Point kinda thing.
The Best is like a big complicated minituarized jigsaw puzzle that I need to piece them all together. The Best is testing my utmost patience as its only fair that I will be The Best too. The Best is like an unknown off the beaten track that I need to venture and conquer.

Oh Yeah@~!

The Best is yet to come for The Best ever script and storyline that Allah has wrote for me. Cos I always believe, we plan, Allah plans too. But Allah is the Best Planner and His plan works best! So why must I question this abnormal, weird, and nothing mediocre about what happened in my life recently? Allah knows what His doing. So I just sits here, grinning (thankful and grateful to Him that He made my life filled with herbs, spices and everything nice! Alhamdulillah). Weirdly nice and abnormally works! Looking forward towards this weirdness every s.i.n.g.l.e. day.

InsyaAllah. InsyaAllah. Amin Amin Ya Robbal A'lamin.
Grins (again). Will need to do monkey dance later. (I've got to move it move it...)

Taichee's happy wall

Almost a year later: My messy workstation but with a happy working environment = productive.

p/s: Since Sifu told me that I have that energy, the aura to keep the speed and pace, I kept grinning. He said something about leadership. He said a lot of things about work survival. He's my father here in Sarawak. I've always look at him highly and adore his style. He will be remembered as My Sifu. I used to be a zero to now nearly-there-hero(ine). I will miss my Sifu terribly. "I'd appreciate what ever things you thought me Sifu. That's why I feel lost if you move to Sabah." while trying very hard to hold my tears and pretend that I'm smiling naturally.

I grin & I cry as I'm only a lonely working girl who is trying her best to fit in this foreign land of the hornbills.


Unknown said...


grin (nak jugak!)

Unknown said...

Salam ziarah,blog yang menarik,semoga Allah istiqomah kita dalam apa juga urusan..jemput muzakarah di blog saya..dan sila add blog saya..tq

Arin said...

thank you sooooooooooooo much di atas layanan yang amat superb dari anaz..terharu sungguh kami anak beranak ! TQ

Taichee~@! said...


Simpan dendiam dulu k!
Grins (sampai telinge)

Anak Pendang Sekeluarga, InsyaAllah. Mekasih

Apa lak superbnya. Kita kan satu famili? Best la meriah rumahku yg sunyi ini!!

I miss lil hanum n zara oredi :((

Unknown said...

sangat secretive
dan tak share cite ngn org

dun wori


pikapompom said...


cahaya terang
cahaya terang benderang

eyh2 org nk gi srwk special gak ker layanan *kening2
haha :)

Taichee~@! said...

Nak share pon ngan adik je eyh!
Hahaha...kalau Dila nk tau dia kena tny kaknaz. Effi takyah la bgtau. Sebuk je annoying org.

Alo adek...of kos la kamu dtg org layan tip of the top! :P ape punye soklan la.

Meh cepat...hahahaha~@!


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