
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I'm Running & Will Never Look Back


I dunno. I just felt goofy. Happiness is rather addictive and easily spread like a flu virus. It's infectious! Hell, I loike it so much it seems to reap the seams of my tiny heart. Rrrriippp and its content spills to the people I meet anytime, anywhere. Can't help it. I just want to *grin* and *smile*. Na na na na na ,na na na (hahaha~@! Sukatila, nak sukati jugeyk)

I've heard this song about running and somebody did ask me to seek it last night. Why he asked me to find it? I have no freakin' idea. Maybe he likes that song so much and wants me to enjoy it too(beside the *one* song from The Beatles). I do like its catchy tunes but minus his ugly serabut rock kapak hair (We The Kings lead singer).

Just enjoy the VC~@! And sing with it if you'd like it too. I've already recorded the tune in my head. If you hate it, please don't shoot the messenger. Hehehe. Chill.

Note to Arin:

1. I have a spanking new king size duvet for you & family. Err..tapi that room with no aircon ma. Kalau panas, bukakler tingkap and blast the kipas to the max ek. Heheh.

2. Already bought a box of Koko Krunch for lil Hanum. Plus I have two cartons of milk with oat, my favourite milk where Hanum might like? I also bought a bottle of Ribena (in fact this one for me too, I always add in Sprite for the indulgence).

3. Oh yes. Since I lurve icecream- I bought a medium tub of almond choc flavour.

4. I have no toys for Hanum in the house ler? I hope you can bring some here hehehe. Sebab banyak kasi kat Ziyyad di Penang.

5. My pod is sprayed with antifungal and antibac. I know babies are senstive creatures. Takmo la kang balik KL je sakit sakit. InsyaAllah dijauhkan.

Rock & Roll, baby! I'm ready for you & your family's arrival to my humble single pod.
pssst: Obit je belum cuci tak sempat daaa... & kunci spare main door tak buat lagi.

Song lyrics | Check Yes Juliet lyrics


Anonymous said...

bersemangat sungguh chee nak sambut tetamu..bagus tu chee.

Arin said...

wahh..tenkiu cousin..anyhow, hanum tak main toys..dia main pisik..what's pisik?hahaha..suprise suprise suprise.. :)

Miss BumbleBee said...


p/s: yey..buleh ronda2 naik pick-up lagik..weeeeee

Taichee~@! said...

Dah mmg diajar mak, kalau tamu dtg kena prepare tiptop malatop...hehe

Arin: ok ok dah tau dah vocab si hanum hehehe...

Yan: amik gambau je lupa sbb bunyi seakan2..hehe..


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