I wish I have all the world's luxuries to have the abovementioned designer's bag. Not so many gals are using this one locally. There's always the fake LVs and faux Coaches that they carry as if they were the originale. I'd rather buy the non-branded cos I know where my cash flows stand (well, in fact I'd rather keep more of it for my haj, insyaAllah)
Forget about the hype on Doctor B, I'm always a
Is that a problem?
Maybe because I'm a simple, practical,no nonsense, don't-mess-with-moi kinda gal who needs a simple, no hassle bag. A bag that can stuff my gigantic purse (again, practical as I put all my cards, claimable receipts, family pix in my purse), my cute and slim Nokia, my praying clothes, a pair of fresh socks for praying, my book (depends on what mood I'm in, the titles interchangable), sometimes a bottle of water, my vitamins, yadda yadda. You know, my stuff that I need to bring?
So I have failed miserably in this handbags department (out of the seven lusts that we women have). I can't go beyond buying or utilizing (do you?) more than two handbags. Two are sufficient for moi as I treasure my lappie bag more. One is for jalan jalan with my galpals and another for official dinner function. I think if I may date again, I won't carry a handbag at all. Perhaps wearing my cargo pants is enough. Har har. After all the guy's paying, if he ask me out. If not? I'll only bring enough money for my share of the tab! Fair kan?
The bag reflex yours truly. Heh. Believe me. Without the tote/satchel, I can survive provided if I'm with my Samsonite lappie bag as it's bigger than the tote! Hah. Oh yeh. I've ditched black. My life is dull already, so why not I color it up and makes me a happy, brighter person! (yelah tu heheh)
Found this at Arin's. So-oo moi lah!
What Your Handbag Says About You |
![]() You are a high maintenance person. You feel lost outside of your normal environment. You are a very creative person. Your life tends to be a whirlwind, but you always seem to pull it together. You are practical and down to earth. You tend to be a rather reserved and quiet person. |
High maintenance in what sense la wei?
If this one's about my fortnight spas, my make up packages, my other material things?
I proudly claim it with my own cold, hard cash! I didn't have to pinch a sen from any boyfriends previously nor from the parents. Anyho, I ditched spa and other things once I work in Kuching.
Lost outside my normal environ?
Yup. I am lost without my loved ones. Cos physical presence to me is utmost important. But that doesn't mean I'm a clingy gal. I just like the "bising bising"/ the hassles and going ons around close proximity like mom and dad downstairs, Piko in front of the PC, and moi comfortably reading a book in my room.
Heh. You can say that again! In fact I'm in a roller coaster joyride, baby! Adrenaline junkie, remember? I function best in whirlwind/ high tide/ tsunami/ thunder storm/ fill in the blanks.
That's me. Against the world.
Reserved and Quite, huh?
Hoh sangat! Maybe I need some time, that lil time to observe the people I'm with (maybe this is what they mean by reserved and quite). With the right topic and switches, kabaam! I'm in. I'm open. I'm friendly but I must warn you. I'm good at observing. I'm good at reading whats in your mind. So. Just say that I know what cards I'm playing. Hehehehe.... LOL!
Till then. Arin succeeded in making me LOWLED!
Thanks Arin!
right now tgh cari handbag yg big enough to slot in my lappie. and i want it in pink colour! wakakakaka....
Bel dearest;
I believe if you want to fork out for those labels, brace for at least RM5,000 ok?
RM5K to me, + sikit lagi ribu can fly me close to Kaabah. Ya Allah...rindunya...
Nak fashionista sikit, cariklah kat Sony/ Apple stores. At least the price tags are not as ridiculous as the designers'!
kehkehkeh..my blogthingy reveals the real me..kehkehkeh..
tak sangguplah keluar that much untuk labels.
lebih baik bel enroll masuk baking class...
or better simpan je...
Yelah ada la abit about moi. ;)
maybe once in a million years, you ought to have this one lil luxury? I might you know. But this falls under the last priority list ler heheheh
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