[Background noice: Sarawak FM's mumbling. Too lazy to turn on the Astro]
I simply love this silhoutte!
Type of Jet: Lear 30/35 Series or Gulfstream IV
ETD: Breakfast in Milan, Lunch in London
ETA: Dinner in Paris
Who am I to kid with?
I am no Kimora Lee Simmons. LOL!
Hehehe... Sekali sekali berangan bodo camni. Takpe la kan. Mengujakan diri barang sejam aje. What I really meant was, the real deal down to earth, economically viable jetsetting. The Americans call it (or American wannabes/ perasan) call it coach class. While the normal Malaysian with English British education may call it Economy Class. Either way la kan? Although travelling to and fro Kuching to KL twice this month could mean that I contribute to the Airbus' belching tonnes of CO2 - thus helping the earth to crumble.
Hahh! Amik! Hilang sifat kekhalifahan aku.
I was in KL from Oct 31 - Nov 7 for that important training. I am now in Kuching (in transit) for my next KL trip again for training tomorrow Nov 10 til Nov 17 insyaAllah.
And why on earth I didn't stay the weekend in KL?
You nuts? I have to sacrifice my Friday and Monday for the annual leaves. Unlike Boss who could conjure some impromptu meetings, I couldn't. Sad ole moi.
What I did during the weekend in Kuching? I did some err... lazying at home. I've determined to finish Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Piccoult. Fab story and all. Thing was, everytime when it was getting more interesting than the previous pages, my eyes went blurry and in auto shut down. ZzzZZzZZz.
In between jetsetting, go find other less interesting thing to dwell on!
Nick (Boe's outdoors co partner) did call, telling me that he was in Kuching. Well not really. He was at Damai Beach about 45 minutes from here. He needed extra manpower for his treasure hunting cum teamwork activities that he was organizing. Why on earth he only remembered me during the last hours? Heck no. I brushed him off on Saturday only to join him today (Sunday). I only said yes after Nick mentioned this event only last til noon, for I treasure my Zuhr prayers.
Nick doing the debriefing while I snore.

The gals awaiting for the time bomb! Shut your ears children!
Huge wading pool, ok? Good for kids and mommies too.
Maybe I need that, you know?
See the white sandy beach! Unfortunately I wouldn't dare to go down there in a blistering hot sun without Banana Boat SPF 120! Hah~@!
I wish I had a beach house like this, at least.I need that extra oxygen to breathe. I need to smell the sea and away from all these roller coaster rides I had/ accidentally got in to. After a late night Nineteen Minutes alone under the most comfortable place on earth (home), I woke up as earlier than the birds to perform solat and do some mediocre stuff.
Eeeek! The Arqam cafe that I frequented was out of business (like a span of a week?). I saw the "shoplot to let" on its rollers. Depressed, I went to the claimed Muslim "Bangladeshi" Restaurant for its crunchy roti canai and not so bad teh tarik.
In less than 40 mins while being accompanied by RATM/ Metallica & The Matrix soundtrack bands, I was staring at Allah's made magnificent view of Damai Beach, Santubong! Masya Allah! I was dumbfounded. I wished all my family was there to witness His beautiful, serenade creation. Damai Puri where Nick held the event only cost around RM270 per night for its corporate rate. Nice! A definite place to enjoy with my sisters (and Mama Abah if they want to, compared to their more exotic jetset around the world! :p) Mental Note: To recce whether Piko/ Taro/ Effi want to lepak here.
The huge pool that made me regretted living my two piece behind!
15mins to 2pm, I was already at home watching Disturbia.
Not so bad for a cheapskate jetsetter eh?
1. Not as wealthy as Kimora but still have lotsa cash til my next pay
2. Travelling to one fashionable city to another locally (in from Kuching to KL)
3. Airbus is still a jetplane. Like it or not. :p
So all of the above made me a jetsetter, right?. Hah!
Sukati la!
p/s: Tomorrow will be the no-luggage policy. I will only bring my lappie bag. Wee~@! (Korang tak tau, minggu lepas aku bawak beg besau untuk 2 minggu letak kat rumah KL)
cantikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...wish dapat bawak my family there..insya allah ..one day..
sangat cantik.....
the pool can makes Ammar impatiently drag me into...
kanaz...lupe nak pesan bawak kan series korea saya yg anda pinjam itus...ke ade kat umah?
InsyaAllah...hope you're okay with the faux labour tuh.
Ho--ooboy! You bet.
Adek Taro:
Org dah dtg KL baru nak bagitau. Lenkali la
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