I just got back from my gastronomical experience in Mukah and Sibu. Heck! NOT!..

The umai I bought home, and campur it myself for dinner and sahur later!
Well, as I told you earlier, I was there because of work. I was in Mukah to experience the famous freshly made umai ikan pirang (not ikan parang nor ikan perang). Huhuhu...kecur air liur beb! There are two types of eating umai. One with the gaul styled, mixed with onions, chilli, 8 nos. of limau nipis, peanut and salt. The other one was everything of the above but with cicah sambal. huhuhu...I love em both!
I also witnessed how the Melanau people there ate sago and pusuk (ikan bilis in Melanau Sibu, as there are different Melanau tribes here). My journey to Mukah was not as what I expected. There was this one stretch of a hell road which made me flew and bounced all over in Patrick's Rusty ol Hilux. I bumped my head to the car's ceiling more than twice. No thanks to Patrick's "superb" driving skill. Heh. Semua lobang tu kalau boleh dia nak langgar and I was thinking, man! He was doing that on purpose ke apa? Sengaja mok tukar kereta baru kah? And yes. As expected, he didn't learn how to shift the off the road gear. Like hello, what was 4H, 4L and 2H again? Sheeshhhh kebab!!!! Benciiiii!!!!
My green and purple face got it original sawo matang colour again once we reached LKIM's office. The area there was laid back and relax and I got to view the beautiful landscape surrounding Igan, a Moslem fishermen village there. Besar gilak sungai tok! The team then headed for the nearest pasar to buy some local delicacies like umai, sago, tebaloi and crackers.
Traveling back to Sibu from Mukah was nearly forgotten as I was really tired due to the bumpy and hell hole roads. I managed to shut my eyes (Patrick kept on perli-ing me about this, as how on earth I could doze off in his Hilux all the way through the hellish road). Heh. Alo! Pat! Aku dengar apa kao madah sama' Boss. Mata aku jak pejam tek!
Sibu is seafood lovers' paradise in Sarawak!

Fresh gilak punyak!

In order nak carik gambar Ikan Semah dan Ikan Sultan, ni ha aku jenjalan blog orang jumpa. Nasibla..Hehehe asalkan kao orang tahu ni lah ikan yang aku makan yang sungguh lazat tu kalau pandai memasaknya.

The night before my hellish journey to Mukah, I got to eat one local fish called the Sultan Fish. It was cooked in Asam Pedas and Masak Kari. Huhuh...terasa sakainya diri ini bila pertama kali merasa sesuatu yang rare dan sedap. Aku suka Ikan Sultan Masak Asam! Fuh...
Friday night before my subuh departure to Kch, we ate the most expensive fish in Sarawak called ikan semah. Or what the Semenanjung people called Ikan Kelah. This one baby was humongous! It was grilled to perfection and was poured some sauce to perfect its already perfect manok-like (ayam like) taste. You know what? Sarawak has changed my view (and taste of course) on riverine fish. Aku sik pernah tek suka makan ikan sungei. Tapi kan, komfem, ikan sultan dan ikan semah nangggg nyaman!!!! Sungguh sedap, manis dan lain rasanya dari ikan yang berlemak lemak yang biasa orang makan tu. Ikan yang aku sebut di atas tu, macam ikan laut je rasanya...huhuhu alhamdulillah. Syukur aku bah!
Oh yes! My stay in Sibu was fab. It was near Guardian Pharmacy where I bought my forgotten toiletries, toothbrush, Mu'min toothpaste and facial foam. The hotel I stayed was refurbished to a modern touch. Boss got lucky he got the new flat screen in his room! Well check it out HERE!
Sibu is mostly a Foochow (Sibu Chinese) controlled city. But hey! Luas perjalanan maka luas pandangan...Bumi Allah ni luas. Lagi kita kagum dengan kepelbagaian dan kebesaran yang Allah ingin tunjukkan tanda kekuasaanNya. Subhanallah...Syukur aku Allah letakkan aku jauh di perantauan (aukla ya!, poyo nak?)
p/s: to im-bia: kamek sik tulis kamek yg nangkap tek gambar jalan ladang mukah ya, just statement area ya ajak yang ok nangkap gamba, jalan lain susah sbb lupak byk indah. Mintak maaf sebab kamek sik tulis di paste dari siney, mintak maaf pada kitak la owh. but since kitak padah kamek guna gambar kitak so I just delete it jak, senang nak. Mun cam ya, boleh la kitak copyright cam blog jewel atas sia. Peace no war. Kamek pun gambar dari sitok, mun ada org copy paste pun dipersilakan, sebab gambar can be googled and i am no pro.
sibu? cik cleo sayang saya kini di Miri buat safety dan survival course... habis la dia kena tenggelam dalam kolam!
alo encik adik,
dia gi miri sampei bila tek?
Aku akan ke miri jumaat ini, 9hb. leh ah aku berkenalan dgn bakal adik ipo aku tuh!
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