Salaam peeps!
I'm blogging from a broadband packed room here in Holiday Inn, Kuching. My room is fronting the magnificent view of Kuching Water Front. I can see Petrajaya from here. Such a lovely view! And yeah, Taro, Dilot, I filled up the king size bed with FIVE (5) pillows of different sorts - duck feather, latex contour foam and cotton. Sebab, saja mengada ngada ( Dah ada servis tu pakai je)
Okay here's a brief update!
1. I'm blogging from my hotel room, using the RM57 per day rent broadband. Takpe! Puas hati!
2. Ayahbondaku found a perfect home away from home for moi. A bare apartment but convenient enough as it is situated near rows and rows of shoplots - E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. ada! Food (fast and slow), laundry, electronics shops, furniture shops, 7E, banks, even petshops! Never mind the apartment's bareness as I can buy the furniture (and happy lalala things) bit by bit to complete my own sanctuary! Oh yeah! It comes with a securely gated and guarded area (also with in house intercom), a big swimming pool and a courtyard for me to lepak lepak minum kopi! Wahahahhaa. Alhamdulillahhh....
3. I'm already mobilized with a 4WD truck. This is a BIG help to move my things from the hotel to my crib.
4. Met my boss and other colleagues. I have such a big cube (like a room to moi!) and a big window looking out the tower. I have already in mind on how to beautify that space with things to make it personalized!
5. Will check out early tomorrow morning for early breakfast and then straight to the office.
6. Will fly to Miri for a meeting on the 3rd. Plan to meet Niza there. Lamanya tak jumpa dia!
7. Then I will do my intensive training (oh! believe me I have a lotta learn!) for the next one month before my 3 weeks induction program in KL!
8. InsyaAllah...I will love living in Kuching. A Home Away From Home. With doas from my beloved ayahbonda, adik2 and sahabat sahabat dan errr sesiapa sahaja di luar sana. InsyaAllah...Aku akan mencari redha Allah bersungguh sungguh di sini. Nampak macam value of living kat sini macam tersangat best berbanding di KL. InsyaAllah...Ini semua rezeki dan rahmat Allah. Cuma aku kena usaha lebih, doa lebih, istiqomah tanpa henti dan tawakkal.
9. Will post my news as Orang yang Berhijrah regularly, insyaAllah. I'm surveying what's best for my internet connection at home, Celcom broadband? Streamyx? Maxis Broadband?
Anyone knows? Require your advice and assistance on this ler...HELP!
knaz, alhamdulillah to hear such good news. hehe...sedih sgt my 1.4k phone lesap. win some lose some aite! ape kene ngene tah? ade...knaz ade gaji baru tu..pandai2 laa donate sket..ekekeke...
about the tenet connection, hari tu streamyx sengal broadband murah je die promo(hari tu laa..ok)...bape tah..tak ingat. maxis broadband ade pakej2 die. rm68/month, rm78/month and rm98/month, of course each of them with different rate(the bandwitdh eh?). nak lju 1Mps amek rm98. kalo ok2 but puas hati, amek pakej rm78. but kene tanye maxis broadband centre, kat tmpat ade tu ade ke liputan maxis 3g. make sure to give ur postcode for them to check the availability. kol dis num : 1800822000. hehe. dats all for today. hepi2 slalu.
ps: sy cuti sem about 1month, nak lepAK sane ok ke?hehe...(byk laa sgt duet ambo neh...) i know where to lepak if ader rejeki berjalan ke KUching..leh?leh?leh?
Btw, why not go for Celcom Broadband?check dulu availability dia..coz i know that celcom mmg ok compared to Maxis yang kadang kala waktu malam, line nye amat selo cam kekura!
Take care cousin!
what!gated aparment area?swimmming pool!?shoplots and load more!?sure am u will be happy there! hustle and bustle like in KL...all the jammos and the samy tol thingy..happy la nampaknye...jeles ni!
harus ke kuching if ada rezeki one day!
woh kakak@!~ do tell me when everything is in place yeh,, aku nak datang tompang tido.
i should be there year end lah. boley ka?
have u check on the maxis thingy?
good luck and all the best.
jaga diri sengsorang tuh.
Hey! You guys are mostly definitely welcome here laa! Taro jomlah teman gua. Gua bosan donk sini, seorang diri.
Hari ni baru bleh xcess tenet, guna wifi free di seluruh daerah Kuching. Cool kan? Tapi ni di opis ku lah. Tadi baru sebuk dok tanya memember. Feel like losing my mind without internet. I don't mind living without astro, but NOT Internet, ok!
Anyho, opting for Streamyx di rumah ku itu. Tapi, fixed fon line lom ada. And i dunno weder wifi di area rumah ku itu ada or not? So better gua login sini.
To all,
Thanks for the doa and advice. Everything la...danke!
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