Wamakaruu wamakarallah, wallahukhairul maakirin!
The Greatest Planner made His Plan Worked!
And it worked BEST when The Rakyat has spoken, thru voting and constant Do'a.
The nation is still in a daze, even to me. I didn't expect Kedah to be given to the oppo. We already know that Penang is filled with DAP power and Kelantan? Well, that was where the majority of doa's gone to (including mine!). Alhamdulillah!
This afternoon after busying myself with cleaning the house and keeping it nice and neat, after giving all binatang ternakan mama their food and watering the plants, I wore a green blouse (with tiny red little roses scattered all over), white linen slack and a Keadilan Blue tudung. The message was clear. VOTE FOR THE PEOPLE, not the CORRUPTED, Morally bankrupt BN people.
We have seen Shahrizat's malufying moment to a much hotter, younger Nurul Izzah.
We have seen Samy Velu fell to PKR guy (sorry I didn't get his name, too excited that he lost!)
And that rapping Zam Maidin lost to PKR too in Sg Petani.
For those who still haven't registered as legal voter, please register. YOU make a BIG difference to the majority of Malaysian. This is PROVE that whatever we do, it is still under Allah's magnificence. Without His consent, nothing will happen as what we planned earlier. Buatlah macam macam cara jijik, kotor dan hina sekalipun, laburlah berjuta juta ringgit sekalipun di media kawalan BN (radio, TV, sok khabar dan bill boards seluruh Malaysia), selagi Allah tak izin menang, mereka TAK AKAN Menang! Alhamdulillah...Kelantan berjaya dipertahankan dari dirampok olek UMNO (ala tahu, BN ni nak rampok hasil bumi Kelantan, kan? Sbb tu berdegar degar Najib bicara soal agama, soal masjid tak cukup? - lepas ni, BN tolonglah ISLAMkan Pahang atau negeri lain dulu, ye!)
News update 9th March - at 1033am
Barisan Rakyat berjaya menawan 5 negeri!
ini versi The Star
Now, I will sleep, smiling ear to ear. ALLAHUAKBAR!
1 comment:
aku rasa sbb blog ni la, BN kalah teruk di selangor..
kejam..kejam..ko mmg kejam
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