
Friday, February 01, 2008

+..What Do You Really Want?..+

My eyes were wide opened last night as I gone through and recollected all the things I have done, regardless of my failures and my achievements. All those mistakes and errors and not forgetting the things that I couldn't believe I could have done.

As usual, I will always be the black sheep as people want to see it their way. Heck! Do I ever cared? I have been called names and have been thought of being The Evil One, but does that effect my life as a whole? I'm tired of people's perception so I just ignored them regardless of how holy they think they are. Who are they again to judge who I am. They don't even know how I like my room to be painted. Hahaha...C'est la vie.

[...setiap insan telah Allah tetapkan jodohnya, janganlah kamu putus asa dari rahmat AlLah kerana rahmatnya seluas langit dan bumi, tak semestinya yang kita suka itu baik dan tak semestinya yang kita tak suka itu tak baik, kadang-kadang Allah nak uji sejauh mana tawakal kita kepadaNya, sebenarnya AlLah nak dengar doa dan permintaan hambanya, Allah sangat suka kepada orang yang meminta kepadaNya dengan penuh rayuan dan rintihan, Nabi pun nak tali kasut pun dia minta kepada AlLah, kenapa kita tak minta pasangan yang baik yang akan mencintai kita seumur hayat dari AlLah, hati manusia yang penuh dengan perasaan ini juga milik AlLah, takkanlah AlLah tak boleh bagi sedangkan Dia Maha PEMURAH....]

30 Januari 2008 06:49PM.

As soon as I finished reading this text, I broke down. I retired early that night without bothering to have dinner. The next morning I kissed Mama's hand, cheeks and forehead for not eating her food. I kissed Abah's hand, cheeks and forehead for letting him down. I'm gonna move forward now. No turning back~@!

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