1. Punca Kemarahan Aku
from Bos aku
to aku
cc SI
date Jan 31, 2008 11:43 AM
subject: Reminder
hide details 11:43 AM (51 minutes ago)
You have been frequently out of office on personal matters. If you have too many personal matters with the bank, arrange your time and make use of your annual leave.Don't make this as a norm as you're not setting a good example to the support staff. Everyone of us has personal matters too, but company can't afford to accommodate if everyone demand the same treatment as given to you.
2. Cara Aku Mengawal Kemarahan Maksima
(Perang Mulut atau Bertumbuk hatta menarik rambut)
----- Original Message -----
From: aku
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2008 1:21 pm
Subject: Re- REMINDER to ALL of us - We love *this section*!!
To: Boss PMS
Cc: SI, Aman, Ctp, Kak Roy, Kak Nunen, Kak Lit, Kak Mawar
Salaam Boss,
Thank you for your concern with our section. Alhamdulillah :)
Thank you for your REMINDER also. I'm grateful to AlLah that you show your sincerest concern to me and everybody here in *this section*.
I will take my leave if the matters concerned take more than 2 hours or more. As I can't reply my email from gmail (I'm copying and pasting this email to the office's pop email), I clocked in the office at 1215pm, just half an hour off from WHEN I asked for your permission, and took off. When I entered the office at 1215pm (half an hour after I took off), Aman and Roy was my alibies.
You could have say NO and ask for me to go during lunch hour or take leave during my last conversation with you about an hour ago. (Cause this email to our beloved SI can be AVOIDED at the first place)
We hope whatever you wrote here, in this email also speaks for itself to you (since you copied this email to the SI) such as clock in the office earlier, as we (meaning your subordinates) notice you ALWAYS clock in at 845am in average. We did noticed during Block 8's open house last time, you clocked in the office near to 10am, just because you baked 3 different cakes at wee hours in the morning. You also love to go to block 22 and block 25 and had an early lunch, or entered later than 2pm after lunch.
Sometimes, we don't even know where you have gone too, since utilizing the White Board is not your hobby. Also, since we would like to highlight that for what *the section* has been practicing that at least one Exec must be in the office doesn't laterally says that *you* must be in the office per se. It is also applicable to the Officer who is IN our office complex, regardless the Training Room or Other sections here. We even went down and entertained walked in clients if there were nobody around. I won't say who did this before as all of us worked in A TEAM, as a TEAM.
If the officers were outstation, our phones have always been diverted to our mobile phones, even our support staff have been educated to answer customers' enquiries in taking into their details or ask them to direct their email for enquiries to each executive in charge. This is AGAIN, TEAMWORK... Sales is about TEAMWORK.
I totally agree that our personal issues should not be used during office hours. In fact, we should have notified each staff to put their Leave/ MC/ Where to status as COMPULSORY on the white board, thus reading the notice is considered a must. I have asked for Kak Nunen's help to make a copy of attendance and clock in/ out to be printed every month.
I quote your words again, "Everyone of us has personal matters too, but company can't afford to accommodate if everyone demand the same treatment as given to you."
So I personally thank you for your Reminder email to me and SI.
Apa yang baik datangnya dari Allah Taala, dan yang buruk datangnya dari diri saya sendiri. With that, I sincerely ask for everybody's forgiveness including your good self. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarokatuh.
In good faith, Moi
3. Boss yang Tidak Berpuas Hati, akan perihal tindakannya membawa kes remeh ke pengetahuan SI, backfired, maaa~@!
From: Boss As a reply to ALL of us
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I'm glad you have very high spirit of teamwork. But whatever arrangement you have in the past,it is proven that the above doesn't work hence we are getting complaints from XYZ. As the person-in-charge here,I have set the new rule and need you to co-operate to avoid more complaints in future.It should not be any problem if you really love *this section*
Nampak sangatlah, dia memang carik kesalahan ExBoss aku Mr. AA. Selalu nak tukar itu ini and salahkan we all sebab memang Mr. AA tu dia anggap as Number 1 ENEMY dia. Yang jadi mangsa - we all yg establish seksyen ni dari Year 2007.
Hmm...apa punya spesis la Boss yang buat pengurusan style zaman kolonial ni? It won't work lagi la, bagi arahan takde ayat please, no thank yous, if nak jumpa kitorang suruh masuk bilik dia, instead of dia keluar tanya apa-apa, takde muka ceria, muka sombong diktator dia..tak mahu join we all pegi lunch sesama..you know so the very bureaucratic, so the very menunjuk kuasa dan power bodoh sombong perempuan yang tak pernah menjadi Group Leader, hatta Ketua Pengawas...
Latarbelakang dia ni, dia dulu seorang yang suka wat kerja-kerja solo, kerja kerja audit. Dia tak suka pergi training berkaitan seksyen we all, "apa ni, asyik asyik training je!" thus expaining why all of us have been "zero-training" for year 2008. Tapi dia sendirk dok pegi training advance auditor! Apa kejadah? Ko nak jadik auditor ke nak jadik Sales Manager? Bila orang propose, dia reject bulat-bulat, bila orang nak pergi, dia halang...even yang paling penting for On The Job Training which relates to testing labs pun dia tak kasi pergi, sekadar, dengar presentation and lawat lab je, itu bebudak sekolah pun boleh buat!!(lagipon we all dah salu sangat attend, dari zaman 2002 lagi dah buat camtu..tsk tsk tsk)
Kenapalah ada Boss yang dah lah lembab tahap slow loris, sombong hidung tinggi macam dialah paling bagus, (perasan lebih bagos dari SGM aku dan orang-orang lain) ni boleh jadik Boss at the first place?
Oh ye. Aku lupa. She can talk (macam Suren si HINDRAF). When she talk, suara dia humangaiiii lembutnyaaa..(tapi kalau dia marah, sore cam itek serati nak kena sembeleh)Tapi hehehe...sekarang ni, seksyen yang suffer sbb BIG BLUNDER sorang ni. Tak lama lingkup la seksyen sebab perangai dia.
Sadaqollahul'azim la jawabnya...
keh keh keh!!!
rileks rileks :D
yelah. Aku mmg dah salu sangat ignore je minah tu. Siap nyanyi2 lagi time opis..semua org dah ignore dia. Yg penting, aku punya job ngan seksyen lain jalan. hampes pny boss!
I choose Happiness~@!
hahah sora dia hancus... tapi perasan sedap.. cam itik tertelan guli jekk nyanyi... muekekekek
wakakaka....tu ah pasal. Lagi dia marah lagi kesian aku kat dia...sebab aku nak tergelak goling goling kerana suaranya yg merdu cam itek. Elok dia tak payah marah la...
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