Part 1: Gathering of the Career Minded Singletons
I was sweating like crazy.
The notty look that I wore wasn't helping. I was totally restless. Mocha n cream stripey, with white background long sleeves shirt, Red Girl Boxing sleeveless for the top, my 505 Levi's and brown Nike. I let my long hair flipped freely thru that frantic running.
Damnation. Aku dah lambat! I was suppose to meet them up at Paddington Pankoek at the Curve. The girls have been waiting for me since 5. Now it was 5 minutes to 6! Luckily, parking spaces here were easily located. Rezeki aku betul dapat dekat tangga.
Lari lari anak. Lari lari anak...Ok! Orientasi aku sedikit lari. Kat mana nih?
Ok...carik Pak Gad, "Bang, kat mana saya boleh carik Fl
orist kat sini, ek?"
"Oh! tu kat PU3 je sebelah tepi dia..."
"rite, terima kasih!" Lari lari lagi. Jalan laju-laju.
"Excuse me, do you sell fresh flowers?"
"Yes, do you like roses?"
"How much for a hand bouquet?"
"RM70 for a dozen, half dozen RM40"
Belek belek bunga...Nice! Variety of Sweet Williams, red and white roses together..
"Ok! Give me half a dozen, please..." Pegi pulak belek belek benda yg kiut miut. Jumpa 2 batang kayu yang ada bantal love kat hujungnya. Perfect. Harga? Wahahaha...Nice! Within my budget.
Bunga dah siap. Harus lawa gila. Sayang pulak aku nak kasik orang...Jalan laju-laju now cos I was holding a delicate and beautifully arranged hand bouquet. Everybody nearby was staring. As if I came from outer space.
Lari-lari anak. I know Baskin Robbins are located at Ground Floor. I rushed in and potong tang konar kapel2 yg jalan terhegeh hegeh cam penagih dan awek2 yg suka jalan catwalk. Straight inside BR, I saw my perfect ice cream cake.
"Dik! Tulis camni and nak lilin besar satu ek." I said without blinking. I was really in a farking hurry. Why on earth all these young people does not even care of what a customer like moi thought? Dok mahin-mahin keje. cakap terjerit-jerit, gelak kuat-kuat...heee..sibbaik aku tadek masa nak komplen kat Manager dorang.
I went upstairs and showed Lady P my hush sign. Fuh! Luckily they were a bit hidden from the other patrons.
Aku main nyuruk2 and again, was being stared as if I was crazy.
"HAPPY BURFDAY, GEMMA!" She was imediately startled. Muka terkezut giler time tuh. Rugi takde video cam...The whole restaurant was looking at me. But aku tak peduli. If this were done in a cafe/ restaurant in Europe/ US, they might be clapping and standing for the celebration. Hehehe...
"Wahhhh...apa niiii...sibbaik panjang umo aku"
"Hehehe...biasalah kan...I'm being fashionably late. Might as well make a Grand Entrance..hahaha" Sengih sengih je aku.
Natalie was startled as well sebab dia tak perasan bila aku masuk...
" sweettt!" Lady P said in her pink tube, butterfly scarf which she made a-la neck tie and cover her sexy white shoulder with a black cashmere. We hugged and kissed cheeks.
"Hold on. Hold on. That's not all. Aku beli kek ni, ko kena tiup lilin...Alamak! kita tak hisap rokok la!"
Natalie quickly borrowed one waiter's lighter. Ok! Kitorang semua dok halang lilin tu dari padam sebab kat area sebelah kiri Paddington nih, berkipas udara. Lilin tu satu je, sebagai simbol another prosperous year for Gemma..Well, she's a successful 30 something-totally single, with the position that we-can-ever-dream-of (PWTC) in this one big company. I idolized her for her work commitment and way of thinking.
So lepas dah nyanyi-nyanyi tu, Gemma dah tiup lilin and I quickly rushed for piring nak makan kek aiskrim. Apalah bebudak Paddington nih lemau gilers.
"Hey galfren, your face macam glowing gila aa..." Natalie tegur aku sambel makan kek
"Ha'ah anything that we should know?"Gemma said while bringing her face forward.
Now all the gals were waiting for my answer anxiously.
I was utterly speechless. I thought I surprised them...
"Hey! Cos I'm so happy to meet all my sisters here...mestilah happyyyy"
'Eh! Tapi kan, all of us pun nak jumpa everybody, but not as glowing as you..."
"Alaa...aku baru lepas gaduh ngan Boe, then baru baik balik kot? Hehehe"
'So its the post making up effect la ni yeee.." tambah Lady P sambel senyum.
"Tell us. Did Boe say anything know.."Lady P tanya lagi
"I hope not. Not now. Tapi you should ask me next year the same q, ok?" I laughed off hard.
So we caught up with everyone's stories from 6 pm - 750pm. Dengar cerita Gemma that she nearly resigned and the whole company shook! Yes. The bosses at her company were so shocked and looked in disbelief with her first resignation letter on the meeting table. They even tried to console her. It was funny to hear all those bosses (Read: LELAKI) yang cuba pujuk Gemma yang tgh menangis. Dia menangis pun bukan sebab apa, sbb boss dia terus shut down and say No-Go Area. She's an iron lady, tough, happy-go-lucky
"Gemma, please... we reject your resignation. You cannot do this. No. No. No." Cakap sorang Bos.
"Let it out! Let it out..." Pujuk sorang lagi Bos.
"Gemma, you want coffee? Tea? Do you like it with milk and sugar?" Sorang Boss N pulak panik semacam. Nampak kerisauan dia mundar mandir carik susu.
Gemma cuma boleh geleng kepala sebab memang dia tengah broke down pasal apa yg dia harus tanggung. So, lepas dah poured everything out, even saying bodoh, bodoh kat muka dorang (masa ni aku menyampuk, "Hehehe masa nilah kita ada excuse nak cakap bodoh kat muka boss-boss kan?"), makanya yang lelaki-lelaki ini mula berfikir secara logik tentang apa yg Gemma buat. Gemma sampai tak tido dengan betul sekian lama.
"Dorang tak tahu kot, if I tender that in 24 hours, I've already being offered a place with higher salary and more perks kat company lain...ahahaha. You know I've been head hunted masa I gi holiday ke overseas!" Peh...hebat! Aku kagom.
"It was against my principle. Hangin lah aku...Pulak tu, Boss N dok salah pujuk aku, risau aku tender taknak jadik Head Dept aku sekang, padahal tu dalam my second letter yg belum tunjuk!"
All of us laughed. Lelaki memang cepat panik rupanya. Lebih-lebih lagi bila berhadapan dengan powerful woman like Gemma yg suka buat macam-macam kejutan. Gemma yg tak mudah emo macam tipikal perempuan Melayu lain. Gemma yang hanya berpendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Tak perlu belajar di UK pun. Her English is as superb as her position. Gemma yang pemurah, Happy Go Lucky (macam aku: tang H-G-L jek) and suka wat lawak. Gemma yang quick witted dan very knowledgable. Gemma yang macam-macam lagi, the list goes on. That's Gemma that I know.
End of Part 1
I was sweating like crazy.
The notty look that I wore wasn't helping. I was totally restless. Mocha n cream stripey, with white background long sleeves shirt, Red Girl Boxing sleeveless for the top, my 505 Levi's and brown Nike. I let my long hair flipped freely thru that frantic running.
Damnation. Aku dah lambat! I was suppose to meet them up at Paddington Pankoek at the Curve. The girls have been waiting for me since 5. Now it was 5 minutes to 6! Luckily, parking spaces here were easily located. Rezeki aku betul dapat dekat tangga.
Lari lari anak. Lari lari anak...Ok! Orientasi aku sedikit lari. Kat mana nih?
Ok...carik Pak Gad, "Bang, kat mana saya boleh carik Fl

"Oh! tu kat PU3 je sebelah tepi dia..."
"rite, terima kasih!" Lari lari lagi. Jalan laju-laju.
"Excuse me, do you sell fresh flowers?"
"Yes, do you like roses?"
"How much for a hand bouquet?"
"RM70 for a dozen, half dozen RM40"
Belek belek bunga...Nice! Variety of Sweet Williams, red and white roses together..
"Ok! Give me half a dozen, please..." Pegi pulak belek belek benda yg kiut miut. Jumpa 2 batang kayu yang ada bantal love kat hujungnya. Perfect. Harga? Wahahaha...Nice! Within my budget.
Bunga dah siap. Harus lawa gila. Sayang pulak aku nak kasik orang...Jalan laju-laju now cos I was holding a delicate and beautifully arranged hand bouquet. Everybody nearby was staring. As if I came from outer space.
Lari-lari anak. I know Baskin Robbins are located at Ground Floor. I rushed in and potong tang konar kapel2 yg jalan terhegeh hegeh cam penagih dan awek2 yg suka jalan catwalk. Straight inside BR, I saw my perfect ice cream cake.
"Dik! Tulis camni and nak lilin besar satu ek." I said without blinking. I was really in a farking hurry. Why on earth all these young people does not even care of what a customer like moi thought? Dok mahin-mahin keje. cakap terjerit-jerit, gelak kuat-kuat...heee..sibbaik aku tadek masa nak komplen kat Manager dorang.
I went upstairs and showed Lady P my hush sign. Fuh! Luckily they were a bit hidden from the other patrons.
Aku main nyuruk2 and again, was being stared as if I was crazy.
"HAPPY BURFDAY, GEMMA!" She was imediately startled. Muka terkezut giler time tuh. Rugi takde video cam...The whole restaurant was looking at me. But aku tak peduli. If this were done in a cafe/ restaurant in Europe/ US, they might be clapping and standing for the celebration. Hehehe...
"Wahhhh...apa niiii...sibbaik panjang umo aku"
"Hehehe...biasalah kan...I'm being fashionably late. Might as well make a Grand Entrance..hahaha" Sengih sengih je aku.
Natalie was startled as well sebab dia tak perasan bila aku masuk...
" sweettt!" Lady P said in her pink tube, butterfly scarf which she made a-la neck tie and cover her sexy white shoulder with a black cashmere. We hugged and kissed cheeks.
"Hold on. Hold on. That's not all. Aku beli kek ni, ko kena tiup lilin...Alamak! kita tak hisap rokok la!"
Natalie quickly borrowed one waiter's lighter. Ok! Kitorang semua dok halang lilin tu dari padam sebab kat area sebelah kiri Paddington nih, berkipas udara. Lilin tu satu je, sebagai simbol another prosperous year for Gemma..Well, she's a successful 30 something-totally single, with the position that we-can-ever-dream-of (PWTC) in this one big company. I idolized her for her work commitment and way of thinking.
So lepas dah nyanyi-nyanyi tu, Gemma dah tiup lilin and I quickly rushed for piring nak makan kek aiskrim. Apalah bebudak Paddington nih lemau gilers.
"Hey galfren, your face macam glowing gila aa..." Natalie tegur aku sambel makan kek
"Ha'ah anything that we should know?"Gemma said while bringing her face forward.
Now all the gals were waiting for my answer anxiously.
I was utterly speechless. I thought I surprised them...
"Hey! Cos I'm so happy to meet all my sisters here...mestilah happyyyy"
'Eh! Tapi kan, all of us pun nak jumpa everybody, but not as glowing as you..."
"Alaa...aku baru lepas gaduh ngan Boe, then baru baik balik kot? Hehehe"
'So its the post making up effect la ni yeee.." tambah Lady P sambel senyum.
"Tell us. Did Boe say anything know.."Lady P tanya lagi
"I hope not. Not now. Tapi you should ask me next year the same q, ok?" I laughed off hard.
So we caught up with everyone's stories from 6 pm - 750pm. Dengar cerita Gemma that she nearly resigned and the whole company shook! Yes. The bosses at her company were so shocked and looked in disbelief with her first resignation letter on the meeting table. They even tried to console her. It was funny to hear all those bosses (Read: LELAKI) yang cuba pujuk Gemma yang tgh menangis. Dia menangis pun bukan sebab apa, sbb boss dia terus shut down and say No-Go Area. She's an iron lady, tough, happy-go-lucky
"Gemma, please... we reject your resignation. You cannot do this. No. No. No." Cakap sorang Bos.
"Let it out! Let it out..." Pujuk sorang lagi Bos.
"Gemma, you want coffee? Tea? Do you like it with milk and sugar?" Sorang Boss N pulak panik semacam. Nampak kerisauan dia mundar mandir carik susu.
Gemma cuma boleh geleng kepala sebab memang dia tengah broke down pasal apa yg dia harus tanggung. So, lepas dah poured everything out, even saying bodoh, bodoh kat muka dorang (masa ni aku menyampuk, "Hehehe masa nilah kita ada excuse nak cakap bodoh kat muka boss-boss kan?"), makanya yang lelaki-lelaki ini mula berfikir secara logik tentang apa yg Gemma buat. Gemma sampai tak tido dengan betul sekian lama.
"Dorang tak tahu kot, if I tender that in 24 hours, I've already being offered a place with higher salary and more perks kat company lain...ahahaha. You know I've been head hunted masa I gi holiday ke overseas!" Peh...hebat! Aku kagom.
"It was against my principle. Hangin lah aku...Pulak tu, Boss N dok salah pujuk aku, risau aku tender taknak jadik Head Dept aku sekang, padahal tu dalam my second letter yg belum tunjuk!"
All of us laughed. Lelaki memang cepat panik rupanya. Lebih-lebih lagi bila berhadapan dengan powerful woman like Gemma yg suka buat macam-macam kejutan. Gemma yg tak mudah emo macam tipikal perempuan Melayu lain. Gemma yang hanya berpendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Tak perlu belajar di UK pun. Her English is as superb as her position. Gemma yang pemurah, Happy Go Lucky (macam aku: tang H-G-L jek) and suka wat lawak. Gemma yang quick witted dan very knowledgable. Gemma yang macam-macam lagi, the list goes on. That's Gemma that I know.
End of Part 1
"Gemma yang hanya berpendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Tak perlu belajar di UK pun."
wah, boost morality saya yg bakal menghuni IPTA mesia lagi. tetiba segar dari mengedit proposal di malam hari...
Cuzen..u've been tagged
Dear bumblebee yan!
All greenlights for ya!You'll be the first to get that doctorate among your cousins!
Aiyahhh...kena tag kah?
Nantik ada masa gua layan.
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