Business and Pleasure: A Fruity Mixture
"So Chee, lets go makan. I owe you one, kan? For your consultation?"
"Yes. The cheapest consultation fee in town. Just banje me makan." I said with a wink.
So we went to that cowboy place in Jalan Ampang for lunch.
Azehar the young MD drove us with his Honda Stream, he's even younger than me! How cruel life can be sometimes. Jefrey who talked like bertih jagung was seated in front.
We talked about things which were not related to work at all. It was time for making friends - networking, socializing. Who says you can't mix business and pleasure. It works fine with me.
Jefrey who's married to a 4'11" woman with 2 angels talked non-stop, even while ordering food. He even said that he has a United Colours of Benetton family. Malay, British and Indian...That stroke me as funny. He even joked about not to trust men with samples of his Ancient Chinese idioms, and a friend that is married to three women and never kencing di pos kencing yang terbuka di tempat awam.
"I think he has this Black Magic la. Come on la, what you have we also have, what? He lives in Negeri Sembilan what?"
"No-lah Jefrey, you're sounding like a PHD malay pulak. You tu Cina laaa!"
Azehar only merempit sekali sekala. This time, the company I visited involves in outdoor peripherals - 4x4, rock climbing, camping, scuba diving, well you name it. I was so teruja! Azehar himself is the MD for his work-at-height co, providing services in that field as well as training provider. Coolness! Cos I was trained in roping as well for rescue purposes deep in Selai with Boe and the rest of my Hutan Gang.
Its like meeting other Malay in Artic!
"So Chee, you will take your diving license next year?"
"Yeah..if I got that increment and salary adjustment, all backdated!"
'Mmm...that's good. Do whatever thing you can while you're still young."
"Well, to me, do all that I can while I'm still single! I'm not THAT young!" And throw him a laugh
"Whaddaya mean?" Azehar looked puzzled
"I'm *tooot* (sorry guys, I won't blog my age) already laaa"
"ye ke Chee?" Now Jefrey looked confused.
"Yeaaahhh..You know. Cos Azehar here looked like he's reaching 40, the fact that he's just *tooot*"
"That's probably cos he's happily married, botak and drive a Honda Stream. He's also expecting a third child. Just look at his belly!"I laugh..."That's a compliment for you lah Azehar!"
Azehar laughed hard while slapping his left palm onto the wall besides him.
Jefrey meanwhile blushed maybe due to knowing my age now.
"I still believe in marriage constitution ok? It's just that, I don't want to end up marrying for the sake of getting married cos you're at THAT age"
Both married men nodded their heads.
I continued..
"Marrying is not as easy as shopping. You cannot *buy* a man off the shelves nor wanting to buy them in different colours, type, know?.." Trying to make a point here.
"Its ridiculous! Marrying a man without really having that chemistry, it was so-oo 1930s la..." and I blab even more...
"So you're really single, eh?"Asked Azehar
"Single, but not available. I have my stronger other half already...but I'm open to be friends with anyone" I said this while muching my fillet mignon.
"Hey! Tell you what Chee...Jefrey! Ko tahu tak Khider?"
"Mmm hmmm...?"Jefrey said while paying his full attention to Azehar.
"He's still about *toooot* of age and still single."
"Yes yes...YES!!" Jefrey's face lit up. "We can matchmake you two!!"
'Aiya! Now both of you sound like my makcik makcik pulak laaa.."
So they made it clear. One day I must meet this Khider guy.
"Errr..guys? Please eh, I don't want to guarantee you anything ok? We'll be friends"
"Haiya! Who knows, kan? If jodoh tak kira laa. By the by you duduk kat KL je kan? Send us your wedding card thru email, fax and by post ok!"
Ecewah Si Azehar ni lebih-lebih pulak...Mampos mengamuk Boe kalau dia tahu.
It was a fun mixture of business AND pleasure to moi!
Pssst: Boe if you're reading this (eventho you won't), You're The Best for moi!
"So Chee, lets go makan. I owe you one, kan? For your consultation?"
"Yes. The cheapest consultation fee in town. Just banje me makan." I said with a wink.
So we went to that cowboy place in Jalan Ampang for lunch.
Azehar the young MD drove us with his Honda Stream, he's even younger than me! How cruel life can be sometimes. Jefrey who talked like bertih jagung was seated in front.
We talked about things which were not related to work at all. It was time for making friends - networking, socializing. Who says you can't mix business and pleasure. It works fine with me.
Jefrey who's married to a 4'11" woman with 2 angels talked non-stop, even while ordering food. He even said that he has a United Colours of Benetton family. Malay, British and Indian...That stroke me as funny. He even joked about not to trust men with samples of his Ancient Chinese idioms, and a friend that is married to three women and never kencing di pos kencing yang terbuka di tempat awam.
"I think he has this Black Magic la. Come on la, what you have we also have, what? He lives in Negeri Sembilan what?"
"No-lah Jefrey, you're sounding like a PHD malay pulak. You tu Cina laaa!"
Azehar only merempit sekali sekala. This time, the company I visited involves in outdoor peripherals - 4x4, rock climbing, camping, scuba diving, well you name it. I was so teruja! Azehar himself is the MD for his work-at-height co, providing services in that field as well as training provider. Coolness! Cos I was trained in roping as well for rescue purposes deep in Selai with Boe and the rest of my Hutan Gang.
Its like meeting other Malay in Artic!
"So Chee, you will take your diving license next year?"
"Yeah..if I got that increment and salary adjustment, all backdated!"
'Mmm...that's good. Do whatever thing you can while you're still young."
"Well, to me, do all that I can while I'm still single! I'm not THAT young!" And throw him a laugh
"Whaddaya mean?" Azehar looked puzzled
"I'm *tooot* (sorry guys, I won't blog my age) already laaa"
"ye ke Chee?" Now Jefrey looked confused.
"Yeaaahhh..You know. Cos Azehar here looked like he's reaching 40, the fact that he's just *tooot*"
"That's probably cos he's happily married, botak and drive a Honda Stream. He's also expecting a third child. Just look at his belly!"I laugh..."That's a compliment for you lah Azehar!"
Azehar laughed hard while slapping his left palm onto the wall besides him.
Jefrey meanwhile blushed maybe due to knowing my age now.
"I still believe in marriage constitution ok? It's just that, I don't want to end up marrying for the sake of getting married cos you're at THAT age"
Both married men nodded their heads.
I continued..
"Marrying is not as easy as shopping. You cannot *buy* a man off the shelves nor wanting to buy them in different colours, type, know?.." Trying to make a point here.
"Its ridiculous! Marrying a man without really having that chemistry, it was so-oo 1930s la..." and I blab even more...
"So you're really single, eh?"Asked Azehar
"Single, but not available. I have my stronger other half already...but I'm open to be friends with anyone" I said this while muching my fillet mignon.
"Hey! Tell you what Chee...Jefrey! Ko tahu tak Khider?"
"Mmm hmmm...?"Jefrey said while paying his full attention to Azehar.
"He's still about *toooot* of age and still single."
"Yes yes...YES!!" Jefrey's face lit up. "We can matchmake you two!!"
'Aiya! Now both of you sound like my makcik makcik pulak laaa.."
So they made it clear. One day I must meet this Khider guy.
"Errr..guys? Please eh, I don't want to guarantee you anything ok? We'll be friends"
"Haiya! Who knows, kan? If jodoh tak kira laa. By the by you duduk kat KL je kan? Send us your wedding card thru email, fax and by post ok!"
Ecewah Si Azehar ni lebih-lebih pulak...Mampos mengamuk Boe kalau dia tahu.
It was a fun mixture of business AND pleasure to moi!
Pssst: Boe if you're reading this (eventho you won't), You're The Best for moi!

haiya...ini Exotica suda delete komen..
13may: Lambattttttttt lagiiii
exotica! darling.
ehehe...i won't promise k?
i knowww!
make it multiple orgasms!
pandai je aku ekk..sapa dpt aku nih, pasti memerlukan tenaga yg banyak dan stamina yg power...kuikuikui..
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