485 calls in a span of 12 hours.
And that's just the calls alone.
I'm in love for the first time. I've never experienced this before. Never.
Call me jakun or poyo or whatever name calling you may think of.
I really fall in love for real, feel the love is real, for the first time, in my ripe old age of 3n (fill in the numbers). He loves me.. Truly. Deeply. Sincerely.
I hope he'll be the one who will be my khalif. Finally after the agonizing wait and pain that i have endured. Aminn aminn... ya robbal a'lamin!
485?? Damn! I usually give up after 20 and hope he's not lying in a ditch somewhere half-dead.
Oh well. You know your pesky little brother's N93. Has a mind of its own, shuts off whenever it wants to. So I guess I've grown accustomed to 6-7 hour stretches with no news from him.
Why on earth didn't you pick up the phone? Modjo sure has some determination!
I'm happy when you are, Kak Naz :)
Dear Cik Tim:
Dunno y this month was a bad month for me. All those travelling + the extreme heat here + my misfortunes + PMS made me so moody + angry.
(My adik badik can verify this) I can be so obsessive compulsive at times that I didn't give any warning. Just Kabooomm! And unluckily, Modjo terkena cos he's the closest to me now. Salunya we hurt our beloved the most, without realizing.
I didn't pick up his calls cos I shut my phone entirely. But the next day tpaksa cos my cust/ dlr/ boss/ colleagues wanna call me.
On the 486th calls, I did pick up. And guess what? Since he has athma, teruk dia termengah2 trying to talk to me and pujuk me like mad.
And all those messages tht he texted!! Mcm air je masuk my fon. And masa tu baru realize, i never had this kinda experience before. A man that I love who said, "I cannot live without you". NEVER, hokeh! Not even AAS, Boe, TAK PERNAH!
Tu tak masuk adik badik dia lagi try to find me and called me... (yep! I did speak to them masa dorang call me)
Modjo is not just full of determination. If dia nak, dia akan dptkan jgk. And just a bonus to me sbb he's also a romantic. plus a million other stuff tht I know ;)
kawen la cepat..Ziyyad nak ada sepupu gak neh!
sian Ziyyad sorang-sorang je..hehehe
gila ah!
chee, ada snap pic of that hp screen telling you that ada that much missed call tak? ni blh jadik bukti nih...
Memang nak cepat, insyaAllah. Sbb tu tak sabo nak tunggu bulan 5 ini hokeh! *wink*!
Malas nak mengedit gambo bagai.
Tak payahla sampai tu that level. And I'm not exaggerating nor lying.
kalau kat low yat dia ada one rule
"pics or it never happened"
simpan la. bole tunjuk kat anak2 dulu. zaman mama dulu miss call. mcm mama tunjuk surat chenta la. mungkin in future depa simpan hologram call or some shit. lolz
Bukan utk tayangan awam. Anyho, mama ada simpan ke surat cinta? Tak kan? Yg penting bukti cinta Baba kat Mama in praktis.
Itu lebih afdhal.
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