Sedihnya aku meninggalkan kekawan yang happening tadi masa dekat Waroeng Ayam Penyet the Curve. I'd like to convey my biggest thank you to Her World fab writer (where we so envy her work as she could get free womanly stuff - Spa & everything), MAS Super Iron Lady, the ever sweet high ranking officer & also my lil sis for making me happiest - their friendship.
Little that we've known that our blossoming friendship will turn 4 years old this coming 19 Jan! How time flies. Luckily I dragged Piko to Cuppacake for that lil magical bite (and you know, we did make 2 lil gals happy - their moms too when we gave them our shares).
As usual, when I'm happy I will make stupid jokes about almost everything. Up to taking piccas with the food or the gals. Or even our short merepek-chained stories. Oooh..yes. I've forgotten about being depressed or missing THE Bintulu Guy. Hehehe....
Talking about old times and how we met (to make Piko understand how close we are), sempat mengumpat (actually remembering)pasal ex bf aku masa ToT Tekad Selangor (NGO program for SPM kids), how the different personalities that each of us have actually makes us closer. That explained our group's name during ToT, like a prayer to our beautiful, precious friendship - D3KAT. We are afterall D3katians. Missing tonite was Cik G, Yuz, Hui Shin & err.. my ex bf (but he doesn't count anyways).
There we were, lepaking & reminiscing & gossiping (right from politics to err..Mawi hahahah) to laughing and did some goofy stuff, we had fun without any care of the surrounding! That inclusive of my lil sis too! (Kak Naz, kawan Kak Naz cool lah..). If not because of my Perintah Berkurung starting tomorrow 3 Jan - 19 Jan, I'd love to spend more time with the gals.
Thank you dear D3katians, for making me laugh and be goofy again
All of us exhange gifts (I only gave them some cuppacakes for the memories). The Fab Her World writer gave us her fab La Mer (and not to mention, expensive uhuhuh) moisturizer, the MAS Super iron lady that just perform her haj gave us another gift -a book of Solat solat Sunat (before this, she already gave us lil sejadah, tasbih and solat sox), and the finale from the ever so sweet gal, the small book of Do'as collection.
Well, I know that the above title doesn't actually portray the jail story but actually what I want to tell here is, I will deeply miss this moment once I'll be away from them, my family, my loved ones (when I'll be doing my 16 days induction, and then go back to the depressing lonely self in Kuching)
16 agonizing days incommunicado most days and nites (even from work).
Argh! I fret to imagine the worst, whether I'll be as lonely as I was in Kuching? Well, I'll treasure this moment friends, deeply & safely tucked in my heart and mind. So that I'll use it for emergency to make me smile again remembering you guys!
So, if I can steal some of my nite time to blog about my agonizing Perintah Berkurung for the next 16 days(Dad was reluctant to let me drive and park the car there! Argh!), I will short blog about it. If not, you'll know how "busy" I am being jailed during the induction. Uhuhuh!
Me the notty/ joker one among us
saya kureng dengan cuppa ini
maybe pasal terlalu manis saya rasa..
saya pun tak bape layan cuppa nih...
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