
Saturday, October 18, 2008

+..Under Construction..+

Gerem sungguh. Rasa nak geget kibod. :p


I've been twiggling and inserting, copying and pasting. The new blog layout has certainly challenged me to my tido limit but to no avail. This baby (either me or the blog) is a tough cookie (pun intended; or maybe my internet savvy has become sawi already).


I will continue this XML War til I get the right one. If a man can never be the right one, a blog WILL!

Chaiyuk chaiyuk Chee~@! (Jap nak tido dulu)



LiNa said...

me like the new layout....

tak sabaq nak tunggu the final result...ker ni dah final result???

cleo weiland said...

Oooh spanking new layout. Me likey.

Mula2 terkejut ngan gamba cookie itu. What are you doing to it? I was gonna eat that one :(

(Sejak start diet tipu2 ni saya selalu makan cookies. Teruk2. Ah well. I don't have the discipline to diet anyway.)

Keep up the good work with the XML. I can't be bothered. Again, no discipline. Haha :P

Taichee~@! said...

Dear Lina,

Peh! Banyak widgetku hilang...huhuh kena buat one by one and quite taxing.

Belum finalize lagi. uhuhu..

Cleo darling,

Thanks. Anyho, diet won't work for taurus like us. Cos we're mostly foodies. Just do the exercise (wic remind me i haven't swam for yonks!)

Ah...i'm the lousiest one between the sibs in xml! I can't be bothered really but well..i'm just bored and needs something refreshing is all.

Anonymous said...

nice one chee!
bel tak berani nak main2 dgn XML ni...silap hari bulan blog ku caca marba...

Taichee~@! said...


Nothin ventured nothin gain. Just my doposen.

Anyho, Chee terasa sangat sunyi sepi tu yang berkawan balik dgn internet tu...Hahahaha. Lagi best! Puas hati ada gak hasil. :D


Anonymous said...


no la chee...we just try to find the solution for the loneliness je... which is better than loitering around the mall or doing crap kan?

bel suka tgk layout baru ni...esp yang part read the labels best je...and you make me rasa macam nak try revamp my blog...huhuhu...

Taichee~@! said...


Thanks for uplifting my spirit yg tgh sangat2 down ini..

try la Bel...syok oooo. Join the clubla.


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