Before I go deep into my monologue. I want to write about Ziyyad as I miss him badly already
Ziyyad's sleeping blissfully. During this, everything must be hushed, including moi. I had to learn how to do things gracefully like a lady. Unlike the usual tomboyish moi. Heheh..Even Dad has to watch sports in kinda muted sound. Heh.
The black hat was sewn by Ziyyad's mama = my talented younger sis. She used her Tommy Hilfiger's sweater. Heh. Memain, Ziyyad pakai branded hat owh~@!
This post must have been molded by his mom. Aku memang saspek betul kat Dilot nih.
Already for the past 24hours, what I miss the most was seeing Ziyyad
1. Sleeping
2. Mengigau
3. Menyusu
4. Mandi
5. His trying to emulate the elders (READ: Mengagah)
6. Ek ok ek ok nangis, as if trying to call, "Nenek....nenek...!"
7. Holding him and trying to make him sleep (but gagal)
The story of my challenges at work that nearly destroy my confirmation
AUG. 28, 2008
Besides Ziyyad's 1 month old bday, I was tried as the new exec here.
There was this one particular customer who took advantage on my overlooked email. He wallopped all of the supposed to be expensive products at lower prices, and ought not to pay the difference. Be it legit or otherwise. This was yesterday, before I went back and cried. I was being bullied by a Businessman Taiko with 20 years of opportunist styled experience. (When compared to my barely 6 months experience in this type of industry)
For this, I sought Allah's help to ease my trial and challenges. I tried to pursuade this Kiasu Hati Kering Guy but he said, "No offense, this is truly business." Little that he cared that his "truly business" meant jeopardizing my confirmation. I admitted to the Boss by email that it was my mistake and mentioned that I've failed to persuade him to pay the difference. I cried hard and prayed that Allah will ease/ show me the way on how to settle this.
I read Ar Rahmaan and Al Waqiah as I was really down and sad. I said my zikr while the tears flowed heavily, even during my sleep and continued to pray, zikr and read the two surahs after Subuh prayer, all the way to the office. My tears were still free flow like the waterfall. I don't even care if I ruined my Dior bedak and blusher (yelah, sedih sedih pun sempat pakai bedak, kang nampak selebet rimba pulak!). I might have called Dad for his two sen, but I know I will make matters worse. Eventhough Dad was in the industry for so long but I will only tell him once I found my solution.
What ever it is, I've surrendered everything to Allah Almighty. He's the Greatest Planner, and His plan works best. Whatever things associated with today's result will be on His permission and His doing. I was really down. My mood jived with the falling morning rain.
As soon as I stepped into the office this morning, I met that Hati Kering Guy with his wife. All smiles, ear to ear. He said hi but already my eyes were as swollen as pelampung. I came in and Nin, my staff said that she was trying to get whatever dollar and sen we gained from that Hati Kering guy. I met my Boss and fortunately, he does not seemed as furious as I thought he would be. He was kind and said that, "We will try to get whatever we can. After that we'll discuss"
So there.
I double and triple checked everything my staff calculated. Even to the half sen. Yes. Half sen. Since Hati Kering will fight his "right", and due to the expected never ending hassle and tussle, the Boss asked me to shoot email to my KL Partner to defer the price increase date. Due to the calculated dollar and sen, we still managed to gain some, alhamdulillah. For this, my email to KL Partner was backed by The Boss and pleaded to defer the date.
KL Partner agreed so not to make this as a prolong, never ending issue with Hati Kering. Alhamdulillah, just after my Asr prayer, Allah made everything went smoothly.
1. My Boss was not as furious.
2. My Boss backed me up.
3. My Staff was really helpful to sort a lotta things up with moi til 630pm
4. We still gained some even though with the old prices
5. KL Partner agreed to defer the date
6. No need to make war
7. Everybody is happy
Alhamdulillah. Praises only for Allah. For He made the path easier for me to walk through. My KL Partner replied my email as soon as I finished my Asr Prayer around 6pm. What I remembered was chanting, 'Alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah alhamdulillah...'
" Let this be a priceless lesson learned for you..."
The Boss texted me back after I thanked him personally by sms when I received my KL Partner's email.
Syukran Jazillan for his wisdom, coach, guidance, support and patient. Every praises to him were actually meant for Allah. Allah blesses me with a good boss. Allah is indeed the Greatest Planner, after all, my coming to Sarawak is all because of Him. Without His love, I wouldn't get this challenging job in Sarawak, in a totally new and different sector from SIRIM. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Aku tak layak dapat semua ini sedangkan aku terlalu dhaif ilmu dan amal.
Sujud syukurku diiringi dengan esakan dan tangisan. As such, there are no such way and effort without His mercy and help. Mana mungkin aku menidakkan RahmatMu Ya Allah?
To Abang:
Syukran Jazillan for listening to my near loss voice this morning. You're the second to hear my grievances after Him. Alhamdulillah dapat cakap dengan Abang about my predicament although you can't really hear my voice (maklumlah, dah sedih sangat sampai hilang sore)
Lesson learned the hard way.
So lepas ni, aku dah takkan bagi muka. I will still be honest to goodness with everybody (READ: Aku akan sentiasa ikut prosedur dan sistem), but aku tak akan terlepas pandang SATU EMEL pun pasni, InsyaALlah! Especially yang melibatkan harga baru.
Bak kata Nin, Ferdie, Tom and Tey, "We're glad that you finally woke up, realising about that Hati Kering guy! All of us had kena with him before. It's good that you realized it sooner. Nobody can tahan his perangai, except you, my dear!"
Oh wonder ler, siHati Kering puji aku bagai nak rak kat KL Partner (ni si Ferdie bagitahu), rupanya, dia banyak pijak kepala aku ekkkkk....huhuhu....takpe takpe...Allah je tahu betapa sedihnya aku. Kan dah Allah balas dengan kerugian barang yang dia ambik! Banyak dah defect and kena reject.
COD babe...COD...
len kali baca e mail betul-betul..
alphabet by alphabet...pagi sebelum kuar g kejer amalkan doa pendinding diri..
lain kali jangan merungut yang bukan2 dengan masalah kecil yg remeh temeh sampai kita terlupa dengan nikmat lain yg allah bagi..
dalam setiap milisaat tu entah berapa ribu bala bencana yg allah hindarkan dari kita..
hii....huru hara satu dunia...
insaf bel baca entry comment kenshin.
bel jg baru commit 1 bigggggggggg mistake. lupa masuk nama staff baru dlm payroll...akibatya gaji dia x masuk dan bel bakal di warning letter...dan juga di leter oleh bossss...uwaaaaaaaa
Yelah. Dah sampai tahap mcm ni, barulah terasa betapa mahalnya rahmat Allah. Pasal masalah overlooked emel ni, ana dah formatkan, stp emel KL Partner akan di auto fwd pada Nin, dah diflagkan Oren.
Doa pendinding dah selalu diamal. Mebe rompong time peok je. tu yg jadi lalai.
Kita ni cuma manusia yg selalu buat kesilapan. Tapi itu tak bermakna kita boleh biarkan dan taknak improve kendian hari. Selalunya, setiap benda yg berlaku akan menjadi ingatan, not to step the same pothole again.
Just admit our mistakes and determine to improve.Benda dah berlaku pun. Tak gune linger on things that happened. Only HOW to live afterwards.
Itu yg penting.
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