
Friday, June 27, 2008

+..Minyak Naik sbb PETRONAS?..+

[sunyi. tak gi lunch. takde mood. tgh tunggu Dak Yati belikan Mocha Starbucks! Nak balik jumpa mamababaadik2!]

Aku baru je balik dari merata rata tempat di Miri, Bintulu dan Sibu atas urusan kerja. Memang penat tapi berbaloi sebab aku dapat berjumpa dengan Niza, sahabat baik aku sejak dari universiti lagi.

Terkejut aku dengan keupayaan Niza yang mampu membeli sebuah Toyota Frontier! Maklumlah minah di bekerja sebagai seorang geologist di sebuah syarikat O&G antarabangsa berpangkalan di Belanda. Bila diukur balik dengan apa yang Petronas staff dapat, daripada RM1 mereka, 65 sen adalah kepunyaan kerajaan. Huhuhu...padanlah ramai yg kena pitching lari ke Qatarlah, Saudilah..dan mana mana lagi negara yang mampu mengeluarkan berjuta juta tong minyak sehari. Aku masih bersyukur dengan apa yang aku dapat. Kecik je gaji, tapi alhamdulillah, tak banyak hutang. Alhamdulillah...

Pelik aku pagi tadi semasa membeli nasi lemak dekat pakcik politiking di Blossom Cafe, pakcik tu kata Petronas punya pasallah harga minyak naik! Geram aku dengan sentimen membabibutatuli ini (maaf tapi ini saja yang mampu aku gambarkan tentang betapa dangkalnya ilmu manusia yang bercakap atas dasar emosi, bukan akal!).

Aku cakap senang je, "Pakcik, pakcik tahu tak kalau tak kerana Petronas beri kerajaan 65% hasil pendapatannya, lagi mahal harga minyak sekarang, pakcik. Ni semua letrik, air, projek projek besar negara yang pakcik puji puji tu...semua tu secara tak langsung PETRONAS punya peranan tu! Sebab tu, gaji bebudak PETRONAS sangat kecik cam gaji cikgu kat sini (Sarawak) kalau dibandingkan dengan SHELL dan lain lain. Ha! Sokong lagi tong gas dan minyak kompeni luar! Diorang lah yang makin kaya raya! Gaji diorang 100% dorang bape sen je. Masih tak terbanding dengan apa yang PETRONAS kasi."
"Yelah! Sebab tulah, dorang suruh kerajaan naikkan harga minyak!"

"Heheheh...pakcik. Harga minyak bukan Petronas yang tetapkan lah. Astaghfirullahalazim! Tapi kerajaan. Pakcik nak boikot Petronas pun, beli kat SHELL ke kat CALTEX ke, harga akan tetap naik. Memang harga takkan turun punya! Kat dunia ni memang dah makin takde minyak pun. Memang patut pun harga naik. Patut naik maksimum dari dulu lagi. Ha! Baru tahu berapa harga minyak sebenar, kalau tak disubsidi. Sekarang dah dekat RM4 tau pakcik!"

"Ala! Kalau pakcik bersikap patriotik macam pakcik selalu puji Barisan Nasional tu, janganlah kutuk dan fitnah Petronas macam macam. Banyakkan membaca benda lain jugak pakcik, bukan suratkhabar semata. Ok pakcik, nah RM2.50 tok nasi lemak ni. Assalamualaikum."
Aku pun blah dari situ sebab emosi aku sendiri berkecamuk dan lapar tak hengat (Faktor angin semakin hebat). Mungkin aku nak PMS agaknya. Hisk. Aku rasa kalau aku masuk amnet balik ni, mau aku terajang si Awang dan konco konconya (saja sebab aku tengah hangin, huahuahua)

Ni aku tepek emel dari seseorang dari Petronas tentang Fakta, BUKAN AUTA ye kawan kawan...

Sent: Thursday, 12 June, 2008 5:14 PM
Subject: This is a very good explanation to all Malaysian

Dear All,

This is lengthy but please bear with me. This is worth reading through ALSO.

We're not actually comparing apple-to-apple here, as most countries listed have a very long reserve life (the amount of years they have till the oil is finished) and they have a low population compared to their oil reserve (hence they can cater to their own needs without any bother to the supply). Some research can do wonders instead of blaming others.

population = 4,380,000
oil reserve = 97 billion barrels
production rate = 2.5 million barrels per day
Reserve life = 107 years

population = 2,851,000
oil reserve = 99 billion barrels
production rate = 2.5 million barrels per day
Reserve life = 108 years

Saudi Arabia
population = 24,735,000
oil reserve = 260 billion barrels
production rate = 8.8 million barrels per day
reserve life = 81 years

population = 71,208,000
oil reserve = 136 billion barrels
production rate = 3.9 million barrels per day
reserve life = 74 years

population = 148,093,000
oil reserve = 36.2 billion barrels
production rate = 2.3 million barrels per day
reserve life = 43 years

population = 27,877,000
oil reserve = 80 billion barrels
production rate = 2.4 million barrels per day
reserve life = 91 years

population = 27,452,091
oil reserve = 4.8 billion barrels
production rate = 550,000 barrels per day (resources from internet salah.
Aku kira production hari2, sila ikut nombor aku)
reserve life = 33 years


And the Ahmad fisherman notion that we extract oil from the ground without costs, or little cost, is NOT TRUE. Foolish, even.

FYI, to extract oil from the ground, there're 3 main cycle: Exploration, Development and Production. I wont go into lengthy explanation here, lets just have an overview of Drilling campaigns that needs to be carried out on all three cycles.

Drilling Campaign:

Rig: RM552,000 per day (minimum)

->We dont make rigs. We rent them. The deeper the ocean, the pricier the rig. And FYI, shallow waters of Malaysia is running out of oil. We are running the final race on shallow waters , have to concentrate on smaller pore-sized fields and taking the greater risk and more cost on deepwater fields.

Supply boat : RM 209,509 per day (minimum)

-> we need at least 2 supply boats.

Thats the cost of just two of many, many more items involved in Drilling campaigns alone. I'd like to reiterate that these campaigns occur in ALL of the 3 cycles, each campaign is at least 4 months. Do the maths or better yet, put it in a fancy Excel and publish it around.

Thats just costs involved in extracting the oil.

How about transporting it to shore? How about refining it for industries, daily stuff and for your car?

Some may ask why are we selling our oil, since we can use it?

Well, here the answer: WE DONT HAVE MONEY. What else can we sell to make money? Tin? Gold? Pepper? Rubber? All these calculated together would not make even a small portion of profit in O&G. Our oil is of one of the best quality in the world because it is low in sulphur. Fyi, we dont need best quality oil for our cars, its only used in industries and in jets. In the international oil price is average USD130/bbl, ours would be close to USD140/bbl.

And then some might additionally ask, SO WHERE DID ALL THE OIL MONEY GO? Please refer to the statistics above, we have less than 50yrs of supply of O&G, although more explorations are aggressively being done in deepwater and smallfields. PETRONAS needs the money to ensure that we have the supply AFTER 50 years. PETRONAS is aggressively pursuing O&G projects overseas, and these projects does not come cheap. In other words, PETRONAS is not the nation's piggy bank, its THE bank for our children's children.

So please, do not be swayed easily by cheap-mouthed politicians who does not have the in-depth knowledge about how the process goes. If they say they want to use our oil money, please do consider our children's children. PETRONAS have been supporting the nation by giving back almost 65% if its revenue.

Itu pakai cheap labor tu. Our skilled engineers, even often frustrated by the meager wages they get for risking their lives at sea, sometimes for weeks, still they stay and think of the country. I'm proud to say a lot of them are very patriotic. But also a lot of them are enticed by Middle East countries and others to work for them for more attractive salary. Nak recruit orang baru senang, but we have to train them and training takes 2-3 yrs!. Since we are running our last mile in our existing oilfields, we need experienced workers, and they dont come cheap.

So next time any politician says, DUIT PETRONAS PEGI MANA?, ask them back DUIT CUKAI SAYA PEGI MANA?

Oklah daripada aku merapu, elok aku gi solat dulu. Ituje cara to seek solace and peace. Cuma Allah saja tempat mengadu dan meminta pertolongan.



13may said...

oh! patut laa....

jom! kita buat perhimpunan haram...


Taichee~@! said...


i'm being apolitical.
i pass. hehe..

Anonymous said...


tang wording terajang awang buncit dgn konco2 tu aku nak ikut taichee.....lama dah aku asah penumbuk dgn penendang aku tak dapat lagi hinggap kat muka si awang tu lagi
kalau ko nak ngamuk kol aku kita leh sepak sorang sikit okay...
ko jgn takut selagi akua da, aku backup ko

Taichee~@! said...

uik joebest:

hehehe lawak la ko ni.
kenapa ngan awang? ko gaduh ngan dia eh?

sian ko ek, dah takde geng kampung dusun dah cam aku, puyu n the geng lain. Sori lah beb. saya dah tak mahu join amnet lagik. ohokh ohokh...batuk kering jap.

ala awang tu berani di dalam amnet je. kalau kat luar agaknya hehehe...tah tah jumpa aku pun dia tak berani. sbb aku ni agak garang (kan abang kan!)

Anonymous said...


tak lah gaduh taichee.....ala gadoh2 dlm tu jer....
tp ari tu mmg aku nak bertumbuk dgn forumer bernama ahza (dulu nick dia gasmal).......
dia dah cabar aku turun KL dan mmg kebetulan aku mmg bawak budak silat ke UM bulan 5 ari tu
tp tiba2 dia PM aku mintak aku pun tak jd ler nak teruskan niat 'murni' aku tu
lagi satu bro GL forumer amnet nak tlg 'sebat' sekali si ahza tu bersama2 dua geng budak gayong aku kat KL tu.....
agaknya sbb tu dia terus PM aku kot
masa tu ko tau ada ler dkt 5 org PM aku suh aku bawak bersabar........wakakakaka
lawak tul ler.pasal smbg dlm internet leh nak bertumbuk kat luar wakakakaka
apapun aku enjoy ler....
cuma bila korang takda aku kdg2 jd bosan gak taichee dlm amnet.....yg tinggal pun hasan, GL dan katakhujan jer......:)


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