[Oohhh [I wish I was there...but well, holidaying@ home
without any pending works is equally BLISSFUL!]
without any pending works is equally BLISSFUL!]
Alhamdulillah. Syukran Ya Allah.
I've reached hometown last night after a week of hectic, crazy and stressful days. Sutun picked me up from LCCT and we went for a light supper near her house. The arrangement was to spend a night with her and she will send me back today (Sunday). Even though I was low on energy, the excitement of coming back for a holiday kept me going and managed to "mumble" some mamai words with Sutun, my best bud cum sister before I pengsan for my Subuh Gajah prayer. Apa kes? Subhanallah, teruk betul aku ni, sampai tak perasan bunyi azan hatta alarm clock sekalipun. (ini kes koma ni, bukan pengsan lagi)
In the uneventful stressful week at Kuching, without the help of Nel (she went for an overseas holiday), I was running things alone. That explained my stiff shoulders and neck and my mood swings for En Abang (kesian En Abang tak pasal dia kena...). I have 18 accounts under my belt to look after and each with different problems. Most of it involved money. And this money came from the wealthy people who have no problem to park their money with us as if we were the bank!
You see in Sarawak, we are having this Gawai Dayak Holiday and everybody was in the rush of things. I've been shouted at in front of everybody in a meeting (by one of my customers), I've been yelled at through the phone for our notices (which FYI, very much a sudden death instruction from the KL Office...bah!) That exclude my ISO 9001 briefing to them, a series of reminders, official letters to write, administration works to do, cheques to collect, people to meet, meetings, audit plan comes end of June, Ageing analysis, COPA report and yeah...the ever pening Monthly Performance Report as in WHY I got such and such...What more with the coming of Borneo Games in Kota Kinabalu? Alhamdulillah I've been selected as one of my company reps in Badminton (the game I LURVE so much) .
For the past one week, I clocked in as early as 730am and went back 13-14 hours later. Even up to Saturday May 31, I was still working til 430 pm for a report to be sent. Saturday at the office was the best since there were no incessant phone calls or people who wanted to meet and talk. Bliss. And alhamdulillah the printer that I messed up with (no thanks to no manual provided to us for that most unfriendly system to use) was working fine again. Bliss. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.
I went out, suddenly remembered that I ate no breakfast nor lunch, nor drink at all. Instead of going to a nearby restaurant, I drove up to Jalan Astana, about 15 mins away to buy my family what they have pesan for; Kek Lapis Sarawak. Later I remembered my badminton coach, Uncle Peter who always messaged me to take some things from him - the titanium plaster la, the free t shirt la, the shoe bag la. Nya macam bapak bapak jak
At Uncle Peter's (just a stone throw away from my office), I met his wife, aunt Nora who was as warm and friendly as him. She was also motherly, suka gago aku juak macam uncle Peter ya. Uncle Peter gave some tips to play against my opponents in KK. Well, even though he didn't realised my racquet string tension was usually 25 not that lembek 18 as proposed by him, I respect him nevertheless. Hehehe... little that he knew, I've changed the tension back to 25 yesterday, in Klang! Lalalala....~@!
Oh yes. I managed to meet my SIRIM Badminton friends in Shah Alam, after a santai breakfast with Sutun. I met Mak Tan my usual sparring partner cum teammate and we promised to play today (Monday). They were playing against PSB SPRING TUV SUDS Singapore. Hmm...after all these years playing against them, it felt odd just to watch them play (as I am no longer with SIRIM).
Sutun and I went to Klang afterwards for her terpelecok wrist. There was this one Kelate Pakcik who sangat terror mengurut. I asked for PakDin to massage my katok pointing finger (this one little finger was being hit by Mena's racquet during one game's miscommunication). Fuyooo! I tell you! This Pak Din was fab! He massaged my wrist, my palm and my upper hand just to "repair" the finger's misaligned urat location.
Pak Din kecek, "Pokcik dak urut perepuay, tapi doh kamu emergency pokcik urut lah, tulong kamu berduo. ." His wife knows how to massage but makcik was going for a hotel wedding reception chauffeur driven by one Police OCPD's driver. I booked her on Monday morning for a full body massage to prep myself for the Borneo Games 9-16 June.
Pak Din's family have touched my heart. He has this "rumah tak siap" home just beside a surau in Berkley Klang. Both of them husband and wife was kind enough to let us come without advance bookings. When we chit chatted, Pak Din's customers was not just ordinary people like you and me, but VIPs and Big Corporate guys. But he still live his life humbly.
Sutun sent me home around noon and we had lunch together with my siblings. Mom already cooked my favourite bergedel and I missed her deliciously hot cooked, yummy nasi lemak sambal sotong that morning!
On the evening, I met Nenek and passed her the kek lapis and chit chatted with Aunt Zenon for her newfound camera shooting subject - Rock Climbing at Batu Caves. Indeed it was a small world to me, when she said she met Azmin (my ex bf) and his girl, Cha - an air stewardess, there.
Hehehe...Aunt was surprised that I am no longer with Boe - her camera shooting partner in Bukit Bendera when they last shoot pictures together. Mesti Aunt Zenon pelik why la this one niece of her kept on changing her bf. Well, not my fault what? Boe yang nak putus with me. Azmin tu gone case lah, asyik bikin kepala pening je.
When my phone sang "Ruang Rindu" by Letto, I knew En Abang was calling and Aunt Zenon thought it was from Boe. Hmmm...that was the reason for my long chat with her.
Jangan sempitkan soal jodoh, En Abang kata. I conveyed this to her as well, and I said my stand in jodoh was to let it open. If let say Boe's gonna come back, let it ends with a marriage. The same goes to En Abang, or anybody who might be my jodoh. I will never know, right? It's all in the hands of Allah, under His knowledge with His Rahmat and Rahim. So, En Abang was right. We only give our whole heart, soul and loyalty to the man we call husband. NOT mere boyfriends. Boyfriend is nothing when compared to a husband.
Well, in Islam, there are no such word as BOYFRIEND anyway. So, why bother? Allah will always keep His promise and I believe my jodoh will come later, insya Allah. Regardless of whom that will be...I will honour him with my undivided love and attention, my only place to seek Allah's Redha...InsyaAllah. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else...
cheeee buat laa entry pasal jodoh.....
selamat pulang
InsyaAllah not that easy sbb, aku tak experience jodoh lagi. but atas dasar yakin pada janji Allah tu bolehla
Terima kasih. Huhuhu pulang pun tak tenang ha. hari ni je dah berdesup2 fonkols...nak off kang, en abang nak kol pulak...
eh! dah tak kawan ngan Boe ker???
apasal aku tak penah tau pun...
eh! levis Sarikei ada lagi???
hehhe hehhe
13th May:
Masih kawan, takde sore thumb pun. Sbb jodoh ni tak bleh disempitkan. Kawan atas dasar kawan jer la. Semua atas ilmu Allah, kalau Allah kata Boe jodoh aku, kun fayakun, jadilah.
Cuma terus terang, hati aku aman dan bahagia dengan En Abang. Tapi apa apa pun, aku serah 360% hidup mati dan segala benda di dunia ni kpd Rabbku saja. Aku serah pada Allah Taala...aku dah usaha, segala apa yg aku buat dan datang pada aku ni sekadar ASBAB semata.
Allah Maha Kaya. Jadi apa lagi aku nak komplen? hehehe...
Levis Serikin ada lagi, sbb aku tak muat tang pinggang. aku serius nak pos pada kau. sila emel aku, miztaichee@gmail.com bagi alamat punuh kau ye. jgn lupa nama plak. sbb kang dorang tanya sapakah 13th May.
Kalau ko taknak, aku kasik org len lah
oo akak dah takde ngan Boe ekk..teringat dulu dulu akak cite dalam blog akak kat a***t pasal akak belikan Boe sandwich untuk bekalkan dia makan..
Takpe kak, perjalanan kita masih panjang..All the best!
Dear naja:
takde dengan Boe, doesn't mean apa apa. Mana tahu, Allah kembalikan dia pada akak sebagai seorang suami? Itu kan hak Allah, takde yang mustahil pun padaNya. Jangan kita sempitkan soal jodoh ni. Buang tanggapan orang Melayu dulu dulu dan pandangan Western tentang konsep gelpren boipren ni. Kalau benar nak sangat, masuk minang, dan segerakan.
InsyaAllah, akak selalu doa pada Allah, agar suami akak tu nanti seorang khalifah yang unggul, lemah lembut kpd keluarganya, tapi tegas dan keras mempertahankan soal Allah dan Rasulnya. Sanggup syahid utk Allah.
Itu aje doa akak. Seorang suami yg soleh.
En. Abang. Betul kan? Bila saya sah jadi isteri Abang, saya akan jaga amanah Abang, setia saya hanya pada Abang sorang kerana Allah Taala, kan?
Kalau saya curang, saya sedia dihukum hatta ditekek sekalipun, jika itulah yang buat Allah redha pada Abang...dan maafkan saya sebagai isteri..
InsyaAllah, aku serahkan hidup mati dan urusan duniaku untuk Allah dan Kerana Allah saja.
Yg lain dah tak penting. So, instead of tanya aku, bila lagi nak hantar kad? Bila nak jemput kenduri, doakanlah aku dapat suami yg soleh.
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