
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

+..Beijing, here Aku Datang~@!..+


Rasa seram plak tengok kat webby China. Ni excerpt:

If you like ice skating, on ordinary streets and lakes, then by all means come between November and February when the temperature rarely gets above freezing. It also snows about twice a year in Beijing, usually somewhere in December or January and no more than 5 inches for sure. The temperature in winter usually ranges from -18 to 5 degrees centigrade, so be sure to pack your ski jacket or you'll have to resort to picking up a fake North Face jacket at the Xiu Shui market. Lowest temperature ever recorded was -27 degrees centigrade.

Giler...Maka akan cukupkah ketebalan jaket Boe itu? Aku tengok org China ni relaks je? Takyah pakai ski jaket pun? Mcm poyo la pulak kan nak beli ski jaket?

Aku pernah gak layan winter kat Amsterdam. Baper lapis baju aku pakai tuh..sampai koyak my red gloves...masukkan tangan ke dalam poket jaket. Tapi lama-lama aku syok je duduk Amsterdam.

Well, as my amnet friends dah cakap, travel light. Lebihkan winter jacket, blablabla...
Hmm..Dunno whether I'll be enjoying or not?

Maybe I should try snow skiing?
So, so long my friends..I'm going off to Beijing from 13 - 17th December. Family holiday. 1 thing for sure. I hate winter. If I ever got a chance to update my travel log, I will. If not, aku hapdet lepas balik sana la yek? Will be writing in manual - pen n notes. Heheheh~@!


Well I guess, I can always buy all those winter clothing kat China, eventho tak Vogue, but it will serve its purpose. To keep me warm.

For as low as USD12, I could get a good ski jacket. Hmmm..

Again, how many bucks do I need to bring? I mean in USD?


I hate my finances. BIla la boleh jadik kaya nih?

Grrrr~@! (sejuk, kena praktis tido 16 centigrade, opis pun kena pasang all 2 split units air-cond to 16 centigrade - kalau boleh kurengkan lagi hahaha)


13may said...

Hepi Holidays!

gravtkills said...

best ke tak kat sana?

ladymooo said...

Eppy holiday taichee!!

13may said...


saja ajer....hahha :D

13may said...

Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year..


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