
Friday, November 23, 2007

.:What Goes Up Must Come Down:.

The lappie infront of me was just turned on. As if in auto, I must login to see my incoming emails..

17. Phew. That was not as many as yesterday, wasn't it. Hope to bring a cheerful mood for a sorrowful week, a darken horizon all over my head...Serabut. Serabut. But hope was a luxury to me. Nak beli pun mahal!

Out of 17, 10 will give me headache. The boss was as usual clocked in around 830ish although she knew what's our company's working hours. Maybe she was late because her cake burnt in the oven this morning? Yeah. In my wettest dream.


Wearing a lime green nyonya kebaya this morning doesn't help my mood to brighten up. I blame my left foot when I woke up this morning. Yeah that wrong side of the bed again.

First, my going to the office was totally, extremely sluggish. Watdefak? It was unusually slow this morning. My mood for listening to the normal Rocking Ass Playlist via the mp3 player was no where near 10%, so I changed to Jiwangz playlist.

I was a bit earlier than her. Obit was park at my exboss' space near the GM. maybe I miss him. Just maybe. He was still on that Blue Ocean Training in KL, the one that he kept as a secret as not to let her know. The war begins for real now since they changed their hats...

I'm tired for making the message across Top Management, no. In fact we are as that defunct team already. That past tense in BOLD and CAPITAL. They wouldn't be able to see the team's dynamic. We want a leader who leads, not a mere "you do that n this as airhead!" Such a cow!(whoever said that)

Aman's morale was as down as the gutter, deeper than mine as he said, "I dah patut naik gred for next year...tapi boss you tak pernah tanya kita apa dalam Business plan..'

"Yeah I know, she only did that by her own assumptions. Even Kak Ct only did her presentation, and a very small discussion.."

"I'm asking for a transfer, Chee.."
"Whaaa? Nape ni Aman? Kesianlah kat I takde geng.."
"I dah boring la...dulu masa ada Adzli ok gak...Sekarang ni menegur pun idak.."

I personally feel sorry for Aman. Indeed she doesn't give a farking damn on what our section suppose to do...Not even a short discussion...we have lost our team's dynamic, just as predicted and told to the Top.

So what's next? Close the whole thingamajig after that stupid blunder?

Seeking retreat in amnet doesn't help either...I hate it when people are just plain rude. They remind me of her and my friend's husband...supercilious doesn't make you to reach the sky. I hope you know, that life is indeed like a wheel. Sometimes you're up there, but remember what goes up, must come down eventually...Amin.. .

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