
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Lacking Modjo

Not my lovey dovey modjo. But my blogging modjo. Its not that I've lost it, but I'm recharging it to its maximum capacity.

Now, I'm actually reminiscing my horror experiences - in my current office, old office, my uni and my outings. Thanks to Piko who introduced me to one Horror Board. I will definitely blog about them later, when I have the time (usually near midnite, hehehehe) InsyaAllah.

Also, I'm busying myself by downloading and watching these:

1. CSI Season 8 - Thanks to Effi for introducing how-to know when to DL
2. Heroes Season 2 - Thanks to Effi also
3. Shrek the Third
4. The Simpsons Movie
5. Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare
6. Desperate Housewives
7. Horror movies - tgh ngushar ceta Noorkumalasari beranakkan baby kat mulut tu, Jerangkung, Toyol, Setinggan dll...tapi malangnya, bak kata Melayu Minimal, arkib tangtu tadek...ohh! Sapa ada link/ DVD/ apa-apa pleaselaa...lemme know

At this rate (what wif all the DLs and what not), the books on the shelves just have to wait. Heh!

Still have to think of what kind of food shall I cook for my Open House? Ooohohoohh Busynyer daku!

1. Mee/ Meehoon bandung?
2. Pasta?
3. Mee/ mihun sup?
4. Ubi rebus with kelapa/ ikan masin/ sambal tumis
5. Order je sate?
6. Goreng je Nugget/ Fries?
7. Nasi Goreng?

Argh! Tensi. Harus stop di sini dan layan ceta hantu.


13may said...

meh alamat umah...hehhe ;)

Elhakim said...


aku suka orang download movies pakai peer-to-peer(p2p) networking spt bittorrent/kazaa/limewire.

Aku tak suka orang yang beli DVD/vcd. baik halal mahupun yang haram.

dgn ini, maka jumlah p2p bertambah ramai. Justeru itu, mencepatkan downloading kita pada sesuatu movies.

Gambar cantik DVDrip (aXXo release) cerita orang putih terkini adalah di sini.

cerita melayu pula banyak di sini
(pls ask for account. i got no more left)

Taichee~@! said...

kalu siyes mau datang emel gwa

Kalu dah hang dok Penang jaa..takmo turun kang aku sekeh pala kang. LOL!

haah...sbb free...axxo punya mmg berkualiti tinggi n dah ada wannabes peniru2 dia, tapi kita bleh tau la..tapi tak dapat dinafikan gambau DVD harus lebih hemsem di HDTV gua.

Thx for link2 itu. Aku suka. Aku suka donlod movie yg diharamkan diMalaysia..(bukan porn ye!)

Cool said...

pasta + mushroom cream sauce@!~

Miss BumbleBee said...

yup. its DL season. nih every week tekun mendonlod :

1. heroes s2
2. greys anatomy s4
3. desperate housewife s4
4. ugly betty s2
5. prison break s3


selamat mendonlod!!!!

Taichee~@! said...


last2 aku buat spaghetti sup ayam wif cheese. uhuhuh sbb masa tu tekak aku kering...n dah ada nasi tomato..pesal ko tarak dtg la?

smalam tgk lepak2 raya, member suh carik

1. The L word, sbb kak naz kata kat member, syok gak tgk the F word (Ramsay punya cerita selain kitchen nightmare)...ehehe sila google apa rancangan L word itu..lalalla

2. The Last Comic Standing. (TLCS) Siap boleh hackle lagi tukang komik kat atas stage. kenapa kita tak boleh wat stand up comedy ye?

TLCS nih, ala2 American Idol di mana dorang carik talent stand up comedian seluruh US. tapi yg syoknyer, tanghackle itu. boleh lawan2 buat lawak ala-ala ceta Drew Carry show..


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