Today wearing a white top and skirt surely gives some good aura. I've vented that red evil aura over my other house online. Hehehe...Surely, if you have a psychotic ex, and a master in credit card fraud plus internet thingy, he will surely track you thru google.
Funny thing was, he will google his own stupid name, and came to my blog - creating a big fat stupid havoc. F him. He deserves all the F words in the world. Be it Chinese, Italian or French...even African. F him. F Him (translated in my mind)
So, I went out with my married gfs today. What have they bought?
1. A cheapo trackbottom
2. A cheapo black pants
They even suggested me to look at one kawaii shirt for a teenage kid like Piko, my kid sister. So not moi! But I played it cool. Cos they are after all, married with kids.
I don't blame her cos she has other commitments like Hypermart A sells cheaper Huggies than Tesco. Or, she better thought of how to make her son and daughter happy by buying
a) Vitagen
b) Ribena Berry
I mean, surely with that summed up salaries both of yours and your hubby's will make it a greater financial stability, right? Wrong!
What with all those nurseries/kindergarden's fee..Montesorri and whatnot..But why oh why must you sacrifice the investment for your husband? I mean, you can be a vogue mummy and wife. Don't take things for granted laa...
Invest a bit on
1. Some good material clothing - be beautiful
2. Some good make ups/ beauty products
3. Sexy lingerie (for now, I don't care sleeping in my shorts cos I have no hubby yet)
4. Time on exercising
- The weirdest part during my outing was, she took all of us upstairs via a lift,
eventhough the makan place was at Second Floor!
And you dared complaining about "Seluar tak muat cos my hips getting bigger!!"
Aiyaaa so lazyyy...!!
For now *flips hair* I'm enjoying my singlehood before I allow myself to be abused by my own laziness for being a wife and mother...heheheh LAMBAT LAGI!!
~off meeting Boe~
married couples eksais cara lain la..burn the same colory as jogging would do..
its fun and burn colories also..hahaha
itu kalau rajin buat eksesais bed lambada. ada gak yg larikan diri sbb malas layan..
saya rajin!
(sambil angkat tangan)
Ingat. Masa memula peknen tidak boleh aktif banget...kasi can sampei 3 bulan. Faham?
Pesanan ini ditaja oleh Durex.
i oready ask Dr.Norehan...dia kata boleh,no problem to have bed lambada during pregnant,eventhough its vigorous..Dr.Norehan pun tak tahu vigorious in wat way,tapi dia kata ok.
yg tak boleh buat bed lambada if tali pusat kat bawah,then shud rest and do nothing,pasal boleh buat gugur
but,hey...we still on safety percaution k..Doakan kitaorang k kaknaz..
3 motnh w/out bed lambada!!
are u nutS!!
Mana gua tawu.
gua belum tawen laaa..
tableh ek tahan?
gua doakan kamu selamat sehingga melahirkan. Aminnnnnn...just be careful ya...doa byk2...dengarkan foetus tu mp3 al-quran.
bukan takat mp3 alquran
zikir munajat badrul amin,semua la
tchaikosky,bach,van ludwig beethoven..dengan semua oo
Doa2 ni hari2..Insyaallah la ni rezeki kami..doakan kami selalu!
p/s::kawen la baru tahu...hahaha
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