
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dimana Aku Melepak Sekarang?

Di amnet.

Aku cadangkan kat Melayu Muflis ops Minimalis, kalau nak dapat target yg bagos lagi, marilah join

Join la forum mereka. Aku pasti kau (dan korang yg baca blog aku) boleh menyumbang ke arah keberkesanan fikiran Melayu yg lebih kedepan, bukan asek pk PHD aje.

Nak update blog pasal bos yg suka google cari resipi kek time opis..Tapi aku macam takde mood plaks. Tau nak any updates from us, dok sms aku jam 8 pm, nak benda tu benda pertama di awal pagi (takut aku gi bekfes). Dahlah info bukan aku leh google ke akses remote ke dari rumah..semua kat internal drive and kat support staff aku. Hangin satu badan!

One more thing:
If you are a boss to one of the many educated person like me?
Please fooking learn to say "PLEASE"!!
Don't just instruct anybody like a bloody cow. Especially when its bloody last minute!

p/s: Oh yes. One more thing, if you are not that bright, LEARN! Even how slow to catch up with the rest of the speedier trains, I salute you for trying.

It doesn't hurt if you are willing to learn (even from brighter people that you lead boss around, but it does show that you're not smart, if you act like you're one bloody genius.



13may said...

jom sms ngan plak...


Melayu Minimalis said...

haha tak larat la layan website tu. buang masa sahaja.

aku hadkan kepada pemerhatian dengan mata aku sendiri sahaja, ya? :)

Taichee~@! said...


thank you but no thank you

melayu minimalis:
pemerhatian yes. i din ask you to observe them ler...but how you wanna convey mesej2 kau kat general malay yg masuk forum.

Itu aje. hanya satu cadangan dan alternatif.

Sekian :)


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